in #attitude6 years ago (edited)


Hello steemians! I hope this post meets you in good health and do hope these snippets influence and add to your mindset in order to make you a better person today:

  • "...The world is sick and tired of robots; people who are programmed and told what to do by our upside-down world system. Little wonder, a dying mother touched with tender fingers the tear stained face of her young child and whispered, 'Be somebody Abe.' Though she was at the brink of death, her words were full of life. She knew too well about our world that always wants you to be like everyone. An ironic system that preaches conformity and yet celebrates only unique people. She summoned the courage and told her son with her dying breath to be unique and refuse to be like everyone else. Her son took those three words to heart and everything changed. The ripple effect of those words is still felt till today. Abe whose full name is Abraham Lincoln will become one of the greatest leaders of all time. He was not unique because he was great. He became great by being unique. He stepped out of the abyss of the common life and chose to live out his personal legend. You don't have to be a president or an emperor to lead a unique life. From fathers such as John Wesley who nurtured his children to greatness to nuns such as Mother Theresa whose life was about service to God and humanity, from Activist such as Martin Luther King(Jnr.) to special people such as Helen Keller, the world is made brighter by unique people. Their lives tell the story of uniqueness. It teaches us that we are not here to compete but to be ourselves and blaze a trail..."

  • "...What is the greatest success in the world? The poor say it is wealth; the depressed believe it is happiness; the terminal ill will say it is good health; the ambitious will guess it is power. But each falls short! The answer lies in the wise words of Ralph Waldo Emerson; 'To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you into something else is the greatest accomplishment.' The greatest success is to discover your uniqueness(who you really are) and the constant strive to beat your personal best. This revolutionary concept is also captured in the words of Charles Wesley, 'How few people realize that success in life depends more on what they are than upon what they know.' This simple discovery is the golden key that unlocks the door to a meaningful life. With it, life is a thrilling and fulfilling adventure. Without it, all of life is lost. This is because until you are fully aware of who you really are, you'll never be content with what you have or what you do. In this over seven billion populated world, you might easily be lured to think that you are insignificant. You might not believe that you do bring to humanity something special that no one else can offer. But do you know that only you in the over seven billion people on earth can fit your divine purpose? You have a special mission and there can never be another you as there can never be another day like today. That makes you more than rare; that makes you unique..."

  • "...The Psalmist comments, 'You have been fearfully and wonderfully made. You have been sculpted from 'nothing to something'(Psalms 139:15The Message). You are not insignificant. God had a smile on his face when he created you - His magnum opus. And he gave you a purpose and a special job that no one else can do as well as you. God in his infinite wisdom gave us the free will to choose. But instead of choosing to embrace our uniqueness, most have chosen to be common. And this has led to the greatest epidemic the human race has ever faced - the epidemic of the common life. The epidemic of sameness. The epidemic of imitation. Being common is a cancer. It will devour you from the inside out until there is nothing left of who you truly are. Not the physical you that breathes but the real you that dreams and feels and imagines. The you that knows deep inside that you were made for greatness. The you that knows that you are not here by accident but on purpose to do work that matters. Unique people will refuse to be defined by someone or the society. They are the ones who will explore opportunities to hack down their own path and leave footprints in the sands of time. Some may tag them as crazy ones, misfits, or rebels. But we all know that they are rare and we need them. The world cant function without them..."


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