Steemit On-Ramp #1: Gamify Introduction Posts and VerificationsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #attention-economy8 years ago (edited)

What if???

...there was a separate section on Steemit exclusively designed for introduction posts. This option would be available to each new user only once. It would be a separate stream of posts, and would not include regular tags.

Maybe it could look like this:

When a new user clicks on "Submit an Introduction Post" they get a template to fill out.

Introduction Post Template (example):

(of course it would take some thought and effort to produce brand-consistent example pictures)

Rewards for Introduction Posts

Every Introduction Post that meets the criteria should be up voted by at least one designated whale or curation guild. Every user eager to jump through hoops to verify themselves should be rewarded with significantly more SP than users who prefers to remain anonymous. I'm not suggesting a set amount STEEM (that would take the fun/game/competition out of it), I'm just saying that we need to make sure that everyone's introduction/verification post gets significant encouragement from the community.

Why should verified accounts get more SP?

In the Attention Economy verified human users are much more valuable to "attention buyers" than unverified accounts.

Once they've completed this Introduction Post, they will have the option of taking a "Graduated Blogging Program"

(but that will be the topic of my next Steemit On-Ramp post)


I'm just throwing these ideas out since they're in my brain. I'm not suggesting this is "the best" direction. I'm not lacking faith in what I presume the Steemit Team and other 3rd party developers are already working on. I'm just putting these ideas out to the consciousness of the community to be used or dismissed to any degree by any developer as they see fit. Again, I assume I'm not the first one to think of this and maybe some people are already on it. But I haven't seen it discussed yet so I decided to make this post.

Theories Behind The Madness

Clarify The Rules. Strict templates and archetypal examples will make it easier for new users to compete with their Introduction Posts and will give the community better guideline for how to judge which Introduction Posts are more deserving of their votes. For instance, displaying an "example verification picture" of a user holding up a Steemit sign with a group of their friends smiling in the background will likely lead to more new users putting the effort into producing that quality of picture. Whereas without any example to live up to, they might just post a picture of themselves sitting in their basement looking bored.

Jumping Though Hoops. Making new users jump through hoops will get them more emotionally invested in the platform and the community. For instance, if they see that they will probably get more up votes if they post a verification picture with happy friends in it, then they will put more effort (value) into their post and inadvertently be spreading Steemit to their friends.

Exclusivity. Prior to any network effect kicking in, I think we should be focused on attracting "quality users" over "quantity of users". We need Steemit to have a solid community foundation before we launch the next moon rocket. Putting up some barriers to entry (like multiple verification pictures) in the early days will help control growth and attract users of higher social value. This is similar to how Facebook started off as an exclusive network that only Harvard students could join.

Your Thoughts?


This is an interesting idea, thanks for putting it out there. I would've liked this to be in place when I first signed up.

For someone concerned with anonymity for political, social or personal reasons, couldn't they hold a steemit-date-sign behind themselves, and take a photo of the back of their head?! lol

I'm thinking ahead to when we want to attract "regular" people. And the vast majority of "regular" people have already proven that they're willing to post pictures of themselves on social media. Participation in this category would be completely optional, so anyone can always remain anonymous! This idea just incentivizes users to behave in ways that are more valuable in an attention economy.

(I'm defining "regular" people as the average Facebook user)

I hear you. I just wanted to suggest a way regular people who live in crazy places, could essentially do what you suggest, just that it would be the back of the head!

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