Atlas Rising -mutual fund and fund, which utilizes alternative Energy!

in #atlasrsing4 years ago


The problem of full-fledged introduction of renewable energy sources has been considered for a long time, but has not yet become widespread. Renewable energy sources have a very large potential for growth, in addition, they do not have a negative impact on the environment.

Every year the demand for energy is increasing, the extraction of fossil fuels is becoming an increasingly laborious process, as it is necessary to develop new fields, build new infrastructure for the delivery and processing of fuel, the design depth of oil and gas wells increases, the wellbore profile becomes more complex. Most importantly, the energy obtained from coal, oil and gas is not renewable and is depleted year after year, therefore, the transition to renewable energy sources will gradually take place.

Benefits of solar energy

  1. Renewability

Speaking about solar energy, first of all, it is necessary to mention that it is a renewable energy source, in contrast to fossil fuels - coal, oil, gas, which are not renewable. According to NASA, for about 6.5 billion years, the inhabitants of the Earth have nothing to worry about - approximately this is how long the Sun will warm our planet with its rays until it explodes.

  1. Abundance

The potential of solar energy is enormous - the Earth's surface is irradiated with 120 thousand terawatts of sunlight, which is 20 thousand times higher than the global demand for it.

  1. Persistence

In addition, solar energy is inexhaustible and constant - it cannot be overspending in the process of meeting the needs of mankind in energy carriers, so there will be enough of it in excess and for the share of future generations.

  1. Availability

Among other advantages of solar energy, it is available in every part of the world - not only in the equatorial zone of the Earth, but also in northern latitudes. Let's say that Germany currently ranks first in the world in the use of solar energy and has its maximum potential.

  1. Environmental friendliness

In light of the latest trends in the struggle for the ecological purity of the Earth, solar energy is the most promising industry, which partially replaces energy obtained from non-renewable fuel resources and, thereby, acts as a fundamental step towards protecting the climate from global warming. The production, transportation, installation and use of solar power plants are practically not accompanied by harmful emissions into the atmosphere. Even if they are present in an insignificant degree, compared to traditional energy sources, this is almost zero impact on the environment.

  1. Silence

Due to the fact that in systems on the solar resource there are no moving units, such as, for example, in generators, power generation is silent.

  1. Economical, low maintenance

By switching to solar panels as an autonomous energy source, owners of private houses receive tangible savings. It is also important that the maintenance of power supply systems on solar batteries is characterized by low costs - it is necessary to clean the solar cells only a few times a year, and the manufacturer's warranty for them, as a rule, is 20-25 years.

  1. Extensive scope

Solar power has a wide range of applications - from generating electricity in regions where there is no connection to the centralized power supply system, and desalination of water in Africa, and even supplying power to satellites in low Earth orbit. It is not in vain that solar energy has recently been called "popular" - this name reflects the simplicity of its integration into the power supply system of the house, both in the case of photovoltaic and thermal elements.

  1. Innovative technologies

Every year, technologies in the field of solar cell production are becoming more and more perfect - thin-film modules are introduced directly into building materials even at the stage of construction of structures. The Japanese concern Sharp, a leader in the production of solar panels, has recently introduced an innovative system of transparent storage elements for window glazing. Modern advances in nanotechnology and quantum physics make it possible to speak of a possible 3-fold increase in the power of solar panels.

Disadvantages of solar energy sources

  1. High cost

There is an opinion that solar energy belongs to the category of an expensive resource - this is perhaps the most controversial issue of all the positive and negative aspects of its use. Due to the fact that home improvement with solar storage cells costs a considerable amount at the initial stage, many states (but not yet Russia) encourage the use of this environmentally friendly energy source by issuing loans and issuing lease agreements.

  1. Impermanence

Due to the fact that there is no sunlight at night, as well as on cloudy and rainy days, solar energy cannot serve as the main source of electricity. But, compared to wind turbines, this is still a more stable option.

  1. High cost of energy storage

Rechargeable batteries, which allow you to store energy and smooth out, to some extent, the instability of the supply of solar energy, are distinguished by a high price, which is not affordable for every homeowner. The situation is simplified by the fact that the peak in electricity consumption occurs just during daylight hours.

  1. Slight pollution of the environment

Despite the fact that, compared to the production and processing of other types of energy resources, solar energy is the most environmentally friendly, some technological processes for the manufacture of solar panels are accompanied by the emission of greenhouse gases, nitrogen trifluoride and sulfur hexafluoride.

  1. The use of expensive and rare components

The production of thin-film solar panels requires the introduction of cadmium telluride (CdTe) or copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS), which are rare and expensive - this entails an increase in the cost of the alternative energy supply system as a whole.

  1. Low power density

One of the important parameters of the power source is the average power density, measured in W / m2 and characterizing the amount of energy that can be obtained from a unit area of ​​the energy carrier. This indicator for solar radiation is 170 W / m2 - this is more than that of other renewable natural resources, but lower than that of oil, gas, coal and nuclear power. For this reason, a significant area of ​​solar panels is required to generate 1 kW of electricity from solar heat.


Ascent of the Atlas. The transition to renewable energy sources is very important. And more and more scientists agree with this statement!

Atlas Rising has access to an 85,000 square foot warehouse which has ample rooftop space that can support several thousand solar panels. The estimated wattage that can be achieve is approximately 2,400,000 watts. The wear house is only one possible location for the setting up the solar panels.

Atlas Rising will target main Crypto areas that have the potential to generate passive incomes and acquire those assets. Then lock and stake the assets. Atlas Rising will allocate the first 80 percent in assets to the following areas, main stream and emerging growth crypto currencies, Master Nodes, Staking coins, Mining, Solar crypto mining and Crypto Arbitrage trading. The assets that are locked in our vault will be the assets that drive the value of the Atlas Rising Tokens.

The goal of Atlas Rising is to pay rewards from solar mining in the form of Bitcoin, which means that there should be a direct relationship that will develop between the two. The value of the Atlas Rising Token which taken into consideration the net asset in the vault along with the amount of BTC paid out as rewards. As the assets in the vault increases in vault then it is expected that the value of the Atlas Rising Token will also rise in value.

#AtlasRising #Green #EcoFriendly

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“A sponsored article written for a bounty reward.”

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