If God Created The Universe Then Who Created God?

in #atheism6 years ago

A favorite argument by atheists gets answered quite well... I find it interesting when you point out something atheists can't answer they'll answer that give it time eventually it'll be understood... unless it's understanding the above question..

Short video answers a smug atheist:


Excellent rebuttal from the Christian respondent. Thanks so much for sharing. @wilx

He has the philosophical cosmology correct and then fumbles the ball by choosing to name God as the one in the Bible. Yes, that one...who uses extraordinarily destructive and irrational methods such as The Chosen People idea ( one of the worst ideas of all time); then proceeds to declare that most every human that lives will be brutally punished for eternity for not getting it quite right in one tiny life-span and calls that victory, love, and justice; says donkeys and snakes can talk ( those yakkie critters:); and well, has decided supernatural miracles are no longer needed as science and technology now do that for us...So...partially right is no excuse for irrational and illogical theology especially if one promotes the idea of Logos--the ability to discern truth vis a vis the faculties of reason and logic.

Chosen People - God wanted to show that man was incapable of living perfect Law abiding lives hence the need for a Saviour and Reedemer who would pay the penalty for breaking those laws. Israel was in no way superior to any other people simply served a purpose in the grand Scheme of things.

Brutally Punished - Hell is simply a place where those who have rejected God spend eternity as their heart desired - in a place where there is no God and the absence of His attributes of perfect Light, Love and Peace. The torment and suffering there is simply the natural consequence of going at life on one's one, as this world has proven for the last 6,000 years. And as God is perfectly just everyone gets a fair chance to accept Jesus in this life or not, in one form or another. "Getting it right" is as simple as that, no works required.

Miracles - Since God is all-powerful having animals talk is nothing to Him, He will do whatever is necessary to accomplish His purposes. And no miracles have not ceased in this day and age, there are numerous testimonies of such occurring out there, I myself have been miracously healed and seen others healed as I prayed for them, all things are possible to Him who believes, as Jesus said..

Are you are parent Wilx? That is to say, do you have children/siblings? A yes or no answer will suffice but It would be better if the answer is yes for my purposes.

No kids but have a nephew I helped raise whom I love as my own son.. pretty much know where you're going with this but go ahead..

Context will be important here. Two issues: the question in the video was framed within philosophy. What was there prior to the material universe? In the philosophy of metaphysics, there is only one honest answer: WE DON"T KNOW!
Now believe what you want about what exists outside of the material universe but HONESTY dictates any assertion to be framed as speculative metaphysics unless it can be proved and demonstrated. Any assertion not framed like this is dogmatism and irrational and against LOGOS (anti-christ)...Do we care about honesty?
The second issue is parenting. Let's say for the sake of this that you have 12 children who live for 5000 years. You, as the father, decide to center one out as an example to the others. The result of this is 5000-years of family bloodshed, hated, sibling rivalry, hostility and every other type of grievance imaginable. Now perhaps the father had no other way but that makes the father limited and faulty. At worst it makes the father a psychopath​ which is the Christian Gnostic perspective. The God who did this is neither perfect nor omnipotent...
Again, though, believe what you want but don't claim your beliefs to be rational and logical when they are the antithesis of logic and reason and LOGOS!
But do enjoy the festival of the shortest day of the year for northern hemisphere peoples:)

Indefensible dogmatism aside I'll link who I consider being the most important voice in Christendom today.

At least he's getting some of it right and asking the proper question, "how shall Christians live?"...Hint: see the Book of Acts...I said on one of his blogs that the main reason Catholics are now cucks to Jewish supremacy is that they abandoned the question of how shall we live and focused solely on unprovable religious metaphysics. A terrible terrible error...

Agree Christians should live according to the book of Acts, and many do, tho not enough.. Catholics being God's vehicle obviously I disagree with.

Almost seems like you're saying Israel is the cause of all the pain and suffering in the world...

God gave man 6000 years to show whether they can live apart from Him... the evidence is overwhelming in favor of no... nothing faulty about this plan from where I sit.

No, as a Gnostic that condition is the result of the falseness of the Demiurge...And the chosen people was the way 'he' went about controlling time...but controlling money was the magnum opus of TOTAL CONTROL!
But specifically​: the Elohim Archons created humanity to be slaves and that is the root cause of all the evil in the world.

We'll have to agree to disagree on this.

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