
Thanks Luna. I haven't seen Zeitgeist. Think I'll check it out. Will I need to wear a tinfoil hat?



No tinfoil hat needed! and the other guy said it was stupid so now you know it's pretty good :-D

"guy said stupid ... you know it was pretty good" buahaahahaha

Hahahah yes. No higher recommendation than that XD


Thanks for recommending Zeitgeist. I just finished watching it. Wow! What a great documentary. Loved it. I'm part way into Zeitgeist 2 now. Woooooo. Awesome!


Glad you enjoyed it :-D told ya it was pretty good!

Hell yeah! I'm pretty sure @abolitionist only watched the first minute or so then had a cognitive dissonance situation and rage quit :D

Loved the bit about Jesus. Hadn't heard it in terms of the zodiac before. Really, thanks.

Oh, the 2nd one is talking about Venezuela and the economic assassin and stuff. Very interesting...

Laters :D


"tinfoil hat" buahaahahahah

love me some Anj

Zeitgeist is one of the stupidest and most embarrassing things that anyone has ever done. The fact that you find it compelling is a terribly sad commentary on your level of education and intelligence.

I respect your opinion but dislike the way you express yourself.

I can't control that, but I would certainly exhort you that grownups generally get past "tone" to interact with ideas.

I understand that, i was trying to be civil and was sort of impressed for the attack on my movie recommendation and i just checked your posts and i think the level of education and intelligence that we should be questioning here is on your side anyways.

Tone matters. People are more likely to be receptive to your ideas if you don't first attack them.

It's not as sad or embarrassing as and adult believing in imaginary sky fairies.

Tone matters. People are more likely to be receptive to your ideas if you don't first attack them.


Where have I heard that before XD

You know, you attacked me first and were very rude. I always align my attitude to that of the person I speak with.



Where did I attack you?
How was I rude?

Let me guess - you'll avoid these questions like you've avoided the others I've posed.

when we first started speaking. Maybe it wasn't your intention but that's how it came across to me (and others)


One shouldn't have to point out that disagreeing with someone is not the same as being rude.

One ought to know the difference between disagreement and outright rudeness. That's true!

btw... I've avoided none of your questions. It's you who deflects and avoids and circles

Let the reader judge. I'm comfortable with that.

I'm just making you a video at the mo... back soon :)

You actually think people read anything on Steemit? LOL

This place is full of content creators, not readers.

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