ATC Coin Review: Is it Legit or Scam? Should You Invest in It?

in #atc7 years ago

ATC Coin: Theseday, Bitcoin has become very popular in India and everyone wants to make money out of it. Since Bitcoin price has gone upto Rs. 3,30,000, it has become almost impossible for a common man to buy one.

And we all know that whenever there is a gap, many people try to utilize this opportunity for their own benefit without thinking about the society.
Let’s not divert from the topic and let me come straight to ATC Coin.

If you are reading this article then the chances are that you must have already heard about ATC Coin through a family member or a friend of yours.

They must have told you that ATC is a legendary cryptocurrency which can make you rich quickly and you can make crores without doing anything.

Sound Lucrative, Right?
Indeed it is, we are humans and always like to make money without giving much thought over it.
I searched over the internet and didn’t find any valuable and helpful guide about ATC Coin, so I did some research and thought to share my views with you.

By the end of this article, you will get answers to all the questions like if ATC Coin is Scam or Legit? If you should invest your hard earned money in it or not? If ATC coin will become like Bitcoin in future?
What is ATC Coin?

ATC Coin is said to be India’s first cryptocurrency.

People are going crazy because of the drastically increasing price of ATC. So, Those who have bought the coin initially has already made a good amount of money out of it.

ATC has various plans in which you have to invest some money and in return, you will get coins for that. Seem legit right!

But there is a catch, you need to join their plan with Rs.5,000 or more in which you will get the same worth of atc coins every month for next 18 months.

Let say you get 4,500 coins. These 18*4,5000 = 81,000, can only be redeemed after 18 months, i.e. they have a 18 month lock-in period.

Moreover, You can make money(extra ATC Coin) by referring it to your friends and family. This is where they introduced MLM plan into it.
Is ATC Coin MLM Plan?

Yes, ATC Coin works on MLM system where you need to add members below you. When people join the plan you will get a % amount in your account.

As we all know, MLM Plans are only good for the top leaders while others get fooled.

I hope you still remember about Social Trade Scam, they pictured themselves as a technology company where as the main thing was based on MLM. And same is the case with ATC Coin.

So, When you join ATC Coin you will get some coins and then to make more money you will ask your friends to join and after some time the company runs. Only the top leaders make the money, rest of the people cry like fools!

I have been into Cryptocurrencies for a while now and I have never seen any company giving referral amount. This can happen only in India 😀

Trust me Cryptocurrencies are not MLM. Cryptocurrencies works on pure technology, solving real world problem and ATC can not be even called a Cryptocurrency.
Can I Sell My ATC Coin?

You can not sell the coins which you will get monthly, you have to wait 18 months as per the plan.

However, you can sell the coins which you earn by referring people.
Why is ATC Price Going Up?

If you are planning to invest in ATC Coin because its price is going up, then just take a break and think why it is going up.

Personal Advice: Before investing in any Crypto or Share, understand the working behind it, do some research. Don’t blindly do what others are suggesting.

There is no point denying that the price of ATC is growing steadily but you need to understand Why is this happening?

As I told above, that there is a lock-in period of 18 months. Hence everyone is just buying the coins but not selling it. Thus, the market cap is increasing.

People are allowed only to sell the coins which they get through referral which is very low in volume.

So, the price will keep on increasing unless people stop investing or government takes any action to stop this Scam.

If the price starts declining one day, you won’t be able to sell it either. So, you can’t do anything but sit and see your money flushing out.
What Technology ATC Coin Work On?

Let’s get into the technical aspect of this coin.

I have already written about many Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Siacoin, Ripple etc. And the very first thing that I or any wise person looks at is the technology that coin is working on.

According to me, I didn’t find anything which claims that ATC is doing anything on technology grounds. They had No Whitepaper or Roadmaps on their site.

Instead, I found ATC Coin project on Freelancers, where they were looking for someone who can build a fake cryptocurrency and a portal for them 😀

atcoin freelancer project

I was seriously shocked.!

Even the ATC coins are mined(created) automatically where as coins like Bitcoin, Ethereum etc has to be mined using computers/hardwares.

So this shows that there is no concept behind building this coin.
ATC Coin Earning Plan

First of all, you need to purchase a few ATC Coins.

Let’s say you buy ATC worth Rs.5,000. Now, You will get the same amount of ATC coins for Next 18 Months.

However to get more ATC you need to add people with your referral link.

Level Income:

Level 1 – 10 % commission for every member.
Level 2 & Level 3 – 3 % commission
Level 4 to Level 8 – 2 % commission
Level 9 to Level 11 – 1.5% commission

You will get the % of ATC your referred person buy.

Apart from this, there are other Income models which are designed to fool people.

As per them, You can earn 1 Crore by investing only Rs.5,000.

And trust me I have seen people making 4-5 Lakhs but for that, you have to fool at least 3000 people. 😉
So Why Are People Recommending It?

The only people who are recommending ATC Coin plan to you are the ones who want to book their profits by fooling you.

Moreover, It is also possible that even they don’t know about the reality of this fake coin. And in that case, make sure to share this article with them so that they get familiar with the reality.

And if such people give lame excuses, ask them to talk to me. I will show them the reality in my own way. 😉
Why do I think ATC Coin is a SCAM?

There is No Whitepaper (Roadmap)
No Technological advancement
MLM Scheme
Poor Website
Fake Social Media

Social Media links on Atc Coin website are fake. They don’t even have links in it. Also, They have a default text called ‘Lorem ipsum‘ on their site which shows they don’t care about the site and its identity.

Yes, ATC Coin is a scam which is being conducted in the name of cryptocurrencies.

Since, Cryptocurrencies are new in India, with such scams, people will have a wrong image about cryptos. Most importantly, Newbies won’t trust other legit cryptos because of such scams.

So, If you ever hear an MLM scheme associated with any cryptocurrencies, it is surely a fraud.

These scams are not new and more will surely come in the near future as well.

So, I would recommend you not to invest your hard earned money in such fake coins. Instead, you can go for established coins like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin etc but before investing make sure do a proper research.

So, That is it for Today!

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Do not let spacious plans for a new world divert your energies from saving what is left of the old.

- Winston Churchill

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