My Abandoned Shit weekly contest #15 Entry. Old Green Bus.

I found this old Green Bus on some farm land in Northwest Arkansas and thought it would be great for this contest. Looks like it has been abandoned for quite a few decades. It even has trees growing up around it. Hope you all like!

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This is what the inside looks like. WHAT A MESS!!!
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And as always, I'm Theo aka Rainbow Man, the infamous Hippie With A Gun, and here is the PROOF!!! Proof of abandoned shit. Stay un-tube-ed
abandoned shit6.jpg
Source: MINE!!!

Join the TRUTH Party, The Radical Underground Tyrant Haters Party!
Stay free govern yourself.
Do no harm but stand your ground.

Welcome to the NEW West!!! NOT New World Order

We are a Dipshit Democracy. FUCK Amy Goodman!
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Reminds me of the magic bus from the movie Into the wild.

Great movie! So true it does.

Cool what you going to make out of it?

I'm going to have it restored painting it all up like the Further Bus and then crash this piece of shit into Bilderberg!!

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