Does an Earth magnetic field from central plasmoid along sun-Earth Birkeland current require polar holes?

in #astrophysics6 years ago (edited)

In magnetic pinches (z-pinch) of plasma currents, energy is compressed into a plasmoid, a concept first defined in 1956 by Winston H. Bostick to mean "plasma-magnetic entity". Plasmoids have toroidal magnetic fields, and a central plasmoid around which the Earth shell has accreted is an ideal mechanism for how Earth generates a magnetic field.

The "inner sun", a central plasmoid, forms in a z-pinch along Birkeland currents flowing from the sun to and through the Earth.

Does an Earth magnetic field from central plasmoid along sun-Earth Birkeland current require polar holes?

A model where the Earth's magnetic field is generated in a central plasmoid from magnetic pinch on the sun-Earth electric current, may either require polar holes for the current to pass through the Earth shell (instead of around or through the shell), or, cause polar holes from the millions of ampere in the current disintegrating the shell.

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