
I was reading something the other day about Solar Storms. Supposedly there was a series of big Solar Storms on the Sun back in 2002 and the Solar Rays that came from them had narrowly missed the Earth. I'm curious, was this another one of their fake stories? I had read that the effect of the Rays would damage our electrical grids and would of sent us back into the Victorian ages. I'm assuming the protection from the Earths magnetic field would only be to a certain extent?

Really liked your post about this topic. Astronomy is great and I'm fascinated by Space. Do you have reliable sources that you rely on for your information? Bit skeptical about what I read now, I don't want to be bringing false facts to the party.

Well, the thing about Solar Storms is that they have peaks in about every 11 years. The last big solar activity was about 2000-2002... And since then in 2012 and 2013 was expect again highest activity, but we still haven't witnessed it yet. Last year Sun was going wild, but predictions are that it could be much stronger.

Now about the danger, most of the high energy and fast moving charged particles get deflect and catched up in our atmosphere - giving us the most astonishing views on Earth - Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis - they are only visible in polar regions.
In the history we had a breach of our magnetosphere shield by Solar Storm in 1859 when all the telegraphs and communication died. But it was no harm done, nowadays if it happens it would be a much bigger problem, as everything is dependable on electricity, but this kind of solar storm would burn all the circuits at the power sources.
One thing is good/bad (you decide) there is no way of prediction if that powerful storm is going to happen and if it happens we can not detect it in time to power off everything. It would not send us to Victorian ages, but there would be chaos on the streets and post apocalyptic scenario, I am sure. I hope this answers your question and shoot for more. ;)

Thanks. Well most of the things inside this post are very general, it can be looked up in any astrophysics book or public NASA/ESA/ESO scientific pages, for the much complex posts I get into the matter bit deeper and go to scientific papers and research articles.
One advice, never read anything scientifically from newspaper and things like dailymail, bbc, etc... you see the news, look for the source and read the source article. :)

Cheers, and thanks for thoughtful question :)

You are a star. Not a giant big ball of gas kinda star, you have the goods!

That's very interesting about the Solar Storms, there is so many 'ifs' and 'whens' to do with nature that will completely screw us over. It is quite worrying but at the same time pretty damn cool.

I don't tend to take anything for granted from the papers and websites like BBC etc, the reliability is always questionable. I'll be sure to check out the scientific pages for sure, it's something I've neglected but I think that's just because I've had a bad relationship with science since school. Nobody likes to copy out of a textbook.

Thanks for the great response!

Great read! As you pointed out nature does throw a lot at us, but the probability of survival is greater. It sounds like the events in this article that create bad press could be exciting for sky watchers, astronomers, and radio operators alike ;-) --3D

well they would be. Supernova explosions are still not in-depth understood. But we are doing our best with simulations and improving theory, until we have something to observe. :)
My friend had a chance to do data reduction for 2 months of a new supernova event. during the night, one team was observing, next day they did data reduction, and then again... compiling lots of data. :) I would dare to say that all theoretical science is based on trial and error. :)

great deep thinking and art work. thank you

With love,

harj : ) xoxo
Abstract artist
(My latest artwork is "Kurt Cobain emotion")

Svidja mi se ova ironicna nada na kraju. Nisan vidija da objavljivas svoje clanke u grupi, mozda se varan, ali triba bi. Skroz interesantno

Kao što vidiš, počeo sam skoro da ubacim poneki članak i u grupu, kad je šta zanimljivo i povezano. A znamo da je kod nas sve prepuno pseudo-nauke i baba vangi i raznoraznih proroka. :)

Slazen se. Steem on - ;)

dobar clanak, follow

Mehh, so there will be no second sun in our solar system?! Where is my dead-mans-knot? I WANT A SECOND SUN.

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