Astrology Tapped me on my Shoulder and I’m Tempted to Ignore it

in #astrology6 years ago (edited)

I’ve written about why I don’t believe in astrology but I still use it because life is mathematical and set theoretical. The lack of randomness in our collective existences means that certain possibilities are more probable than others. We each have habits and patterned interactions with others that can sometimes lead to what appears to be a “fate bottleneck”. I wanted to record this prediction for the blockchain and hope that I’m wrong in what I see in the few days before and after May 25, 2018.

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(Robert Blaschke speaking at Sedona March 2007)

Every so often I see a pattern and many times it’s not a pleasant one. This is partly why I’ve stopped consulting. The other more important reason has to do with my new interest in blockchain technology and its uses in rectifying social pathology which takes up the majority of my time at the moment. Back to the first issue though, I wanted to record this observation because I’ve been looking at this date for a few years now with some trepidation to explain to my followers in this field why I have at least temporarily turned my back on the subject.

I first described what I saw to William Stickevers (@wstickevers) probably about a year ago on Facebook, but have since closed that account. The occasion was when he asked if I would attend UAC in Chicago in 2018 and I said the only way I could attend is if somehow my father was no longer alive.

Before this, about 5 years ago, I revisited the quarters of the Moon method that I programmed in 2003 in Delphic Oracle. This is one of several time lord methods in the Hellenistic material that Robert Schmidt translated back in the 1990’s. In it is the following sequence…

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What I look for here is repetition. Some astrologers will look at the planetary meanings, but this is too broad an approach. Since I know the events in my own life, I simply look at what happened on certain dates and compare to later dates. The date selected above (Feb 22, 1967) is when mom and dad separated taking me and my sister away from the farmland that I returned to in early 2013. I literally live in my grandmothers house which is just a couple of football fields away from the house I lived in back in the 60’s. The Moon is linked to symbolism for the home and ancestry as well.

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What is notable is that on L1, I came back to my first home which is only repeated once before (the day I was born). The natural question is what might happen to cause me to leave, so I go back to when I had to leave back in 1967 and I see this…

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Mars and the south node were transiting conjunct in my first house (Scorpio). For my father, this same conjunction happens in his 5th house indicating the loss of children. So I look at the quarters of the Moon method again to when all four periods are the same as Feb 22, 1967 and it comes to May 25, 2018 (which just so happens to be opening day for UAC Chicago). I’ve had these coincidences happen before and they usually represent important turning points. So I check the transits 3 days before the end of L4 Saturn quarters of the Moon method (May 25, 2018) and see this…

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This time I see Mars and the south node conjunct (this doesn’t happen that often, but there it is again), but this time it falls in my 4th house and my dad’s 8th. Astrologers can easily see the implications of this (loss of father).

So I look at zodiacal releasing from the lot of fortune and see this…

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The signs of Scorpio and Gemini are amplified. This happens when there is repetition like this Scorpio L1 -> Gemini L2 -> Scorpio L3 -> Gemini L4. Notice again the 1st and 8th house relationship. Another death indicator. My father though has significant protection during this time, so I start to think that maybe my health problems return.

There are obviously a lot of different implications here many of which will have nothing whatsoever to do with my worries. I understand that the actual causes of anything that might happen lie elsewhere, yet these signals point to hidden patterns that are often not obvious efficient causes that can be detected before the fact. My family has no idea I post here and this is late enough for release so it is either wrong or too late to cause my family to worry.

Written May 20, 2018.

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The patterns are definitely there.
All so intricate, that many a person has gone off the deep end thinking if they could just understand all the patterns, they could see all the future.

However, we do not know, what we do not know.
And, although you can see something is going to happen, who would have thought that Chump would run, or be elected High Potentate.

Well, I predicted him winning in March (or so) 2016.

Same here, i partially believe it and partially not. Because, sometimes life surprised me by fulfilling what was predicted but the rest of the time remained strange to me. That is what "There are no accidents in life, but a beautiful arrangement of actions leading us to where we should be"..(self) :)

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