The current purge of fear – what does it teach?

in #astrology7 years ago (edited)

Viva everyone

I am sure a lot of us have lately been feeling and experiencing pretty intense sides of ourselves and life itself. I myself have under(inner)gone deep phases of transformation. Some iniciated by facing upcoming fear patterns – lots of which have their roots in my childhood or beyond this frame.

To some degree this current energy quality is a result of the opposition and the full moon which took place in the axis of cancer and capricorn. Dealing with emotional security, wordly issues and mental issues or strength and having pluto and mars involved, makes it a very intense mixture, ready to blow up illusions and discover suppressed fears.

What I sense the most out of this energy is the choice of wheter or not you believe in your potential, ability and ideas – and thus live in love – or if you stick to the illusionary but temporarily comfortable fear. Regardless of what you tend towards; fears, suppressed and yet to deal with issues will and have been coming up and it’s becoming increasingly, in my opinion luckily, harder to ignore those. So it’s simply a matter of how long one can persist in this suffering filled place and when it’s all just going to flow over.

In that regard I invite all of us to become present and allow blockages to be felt, witnessed and embraced. Sit with yourself honestly and let come forward what needs and has always wanted to. It is more than ok to become vulnerable and actually, that’s exactly what you shall become in the process of healing. That is not to be mistaken for hyper sensitivity. It simply means, that you crack open the false proud and find your true core in midst of the fears and go for it, grow into it by letting your intuition and heart guide you. That is also how healing can take place on huuuge levels and depths. You may also want to take a deeper look into what is functioning (also in regards to your thought and feel patterns), what feels no longer “safe” and helpful and combine the quintessence of that with the new drive towards your true passion. We shouldn’t forget the immensly light leo energy which invites all of us to stand up for ourselves, truth and that what matters (to us). I feel as if that would be a huge renewal and rebirth, after we undergo a short but deeep night of the soul. Shedding limiting programms and subjective opinions which are not worthier than yours.

Be sure to, if not already, become as honest as you can with everything and in every situation you find yourself in. Only in that you will transmute the fear you assume to be important and grow into your true potential, which means to liberate yourself/energy from subjective patterns, blockages and fears.

You are energy, not the lack of it. In you connecting with yourself, transcending the separation of fear – love – you truly rise IN/AS yourself.

Allow truth to reveal itself as your true origin, being and destination; and simply flow in honesty/love through the storm. You will be and are liberated as you start to.

All of ourselves to ourselves… liberation in truth



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