Uranus square Mars - An extended period of unpredictability.

in #astrology6 years ago (edited)


I don't know if you've noticed but the Mars Uranus square that is forming now is going to be around for a long time. Normally this aspect will be over and done within a maximum of a couple of weeks as normally Mars moves quite quickly, but this one is going to be with us in some form or another for nearly 5 months!!! Why? Well Mars is slowing before going retrograde on 27th June, and so these two planets are going to be in a fixed square of maximum orb of 7 degrees until around the 8th October 2018.

Mars is soon going to be in Aquarius for a long stay (until mid November save a few weeks in the end of August and the first week of September when it dips back into Capricorn), and as Aquarius is an air sign, the communication channels are going to be firmly open for a while. Those who are clever, can network and embrace the technical changes that Mars square Uranus brings may thrive. This is especially prevalent in the money markets (which Taurus rules), which may see a lot of ups and downs, crashes and burns.

There is going to be a crackle of energy that surrounds all the actions that we carry out, and a constant element of risk to the outcome. Everything we do will be tinged with uncertainty, and you will never know if the roll of the dice will go your way. We may be unusually stubborn or fixed in our own unique manner too, and by taking too firm a stand on things we may get ourselves into trouble. If you are the kind of person who is flexile in your attitudes, then you may thrive better under this long term aspect than someone who is too stuck in their own ways.

You know, I defy anyone to completely predict what is going to happen over this coming Summer, as literally anything will be on the table. What I will say is that nothing is going to be normal, there are going to be a multitude of surprises, shocks, brilliant ideas and the value of community action is going to really take on importance. Uranus in Taurus breaks down the normality of life, and Mars in Aquarius will allow us to innovate and start up new initiatives, breathing in a fresh approach into our lives that we can follow. That's why I said yesterday that nothing is going to be the same and a revolution of sorts is going to initially overwhelm us.

The trick is to accept that there are going to be changes of approach, and utter chaos may reign for a while, but in end it all should be for the better. Uranus likes nothing better than shaking things up, and Taurus being the most stable, slow and unchanging of all the fixed signs is going to get a rude awakening, a kick up the backside if you will. Look for the Taurus ruled house on your chart, and that's where the revolution is going to take place.

This post was also posted on my Facebook page - Astrology by Paul Saunders

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