( For those who doesn't respect the philosophy of Astrology)

I don't trust astrology but there is difference in trust and belief. One night, My brother discussed about this girl and he wanted to marry her. We talked to the parents the very next morning. My parents demanded for her horoscope and my brother brought it. Our family visited a sage and talked about the matter. A sage was more than 60-70 years old. When both the horoscopes were speculated by him, he refused to allow this marriage and added "The planets are in very bad position and this couple would suffer a lot if marry. A couple will be very unlucky for the family "

I was listening all of it in total disagreement. I was thinking"How the hell this old man know about the future. Bullshit" My brother married the same girl in 2007. After exactly 1 year, She started to feel weak. In the end of 2008, She was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. She suffered a lot till 2018 (Total Physical Disability ) and in the month of April , she finally rested in peace. I have seen her condition and after leaving her body she must be resting in peace. Hell couldn't be worse than the condition she was in.

Than I wonder, How that old man could predict the future with such an accuracy?Astrology is a subject just like physics or chemistry but a very few people can master it with such an accuracy as of the level of that priest. I still don't trust astrology but I have a belief now and it was more than enough reason to respect the subject.

I see the video and I am surprised to see his communication skill. I can't comment about the subject because I am dumb at it :-) Though, I am Virgo and currently affected with Mars.

Thank you, I am looking to read more from your side.


before my wife and I got married, we visited a vedic astrologer. on the first visit, he saw some things and expressed concern, asking if we really wanted to be together - implying there may be some significant incompatibilities. However, upon visiting him a second time - specifically to choose a wedding date - he went a bit deeper into our compatibility, versus the first reading where he only grazed the surface. Completely different outcome, as he probed further and suggesting we actually might have one of those rare "soulmate / once-in-a-lifetime" deals.

In any case... fuuuuck. The question still must linger though: would she still have gotten sick and died had they broken it off...? 🤔

as for the single occasion that stands out most from my experience:

about 2.5 years ago, I was living in Bali with my (then-fiance) and two cats, and had returned to visit my parents in Canada...

while I was gone, one of my mom's two cats - which she had gotten while I was still 18 and living with them got put down, as she was sick from old age. And one of my cats in Bali mysteriously died a couple days later.

That week, there was some transit in my horoscope saying I could lose a pet.


Mate, Very sad to hear that but I would recommend you to take a special care of your pet. Predictions are done so that we can act accordingly.
Lots of good vibes
hash -tag

One was 18 years old and already losing weight and not eating for several months. It was a conscious choice of my mother to put her down.

The other shows no signs of being sick, and when my wife was sensing something was off and did take him to the vet, the vet said there was nothing wrong with him. Shortly after, he had some sort of attack and died immediately.

Perhaps it’d be wise to probe for more details such as these before throwing out such assumptions that we hadn’t.

I'm sorry for your and your brothers loss, it must have been a terrible experience... It does sound like they were unlucky. But I wouldn't rush to justify that astrology is true based on the story that you shared. And i will bring a few reasons why.

  1. to be accurate the sage would have to describe the future in a more detailed way. Saying that a couple will be unlucky is such a vast statement... its almost like me saying "in the future there will be War". An accurate prediction would at minimum have to include a warning about a potential disease and a passing of one of one of the members of the couple.

  2. Correlation does not mean causation. Even though it might seem like the words of the sage are correlated to what happened to your sister-in-law, we cannot assert that there was a direct cause to that effect. Any negative event in their marriage would have been dimmed as proof that the sage's warning was true.

  3. In fact the sage was so vague that he even said bad luck for the family. This can mean that if anything bad happens to any member of the family, the sage then would have been seen as correct.

  4. There is a chance that the stress from knowing about bad-luck prediction, caused the girl to develop a neurological condition - a kind of self-fulfilling prophesy. If i believed in people being able to accurately predict my future, I'd probably be very affected psychologically by a promise of a negative future - possibly to the point of developing a health threatening condition. (however. i don't know enough about Multiple Sclerosis to claim that this is a strong point).

I do understand that the emotions and the pain bring the need to have answers. But I'm afraid that this can lead you to a path of believing in mysticism and deception. I hope that my points help restore your skeptical mind... and to fortify you against people that want to tell you how to live based on celestial objects and the month you were born on.

I have made my point clear that I don't trust Astrologers but I have a belief in their philosophy. There is a difference between both of 'em. I listen to the predictions and act cautiously. To act cautiously is a sign of intelligence. My brother and me listened to the prediction in a total disagreement. We were not cautious at all. When the disease was diagnosed , We took it very lightly as we were not prepared. I hardly knew the name of Multiple Sclerosis. That lady used to miss injections and medicines and later on it added up to worsen her condition.
It is my fault that I didn't talk about what the sage exactly told us. so here it is:-

He said that the couple is unlucky for the family. The planets are in a very bad position for both of 'em and he talked about Nadi Dosha.

"Nadis- It is a Sanskrit word which means ‘tubes’ and is translated as nerves and blood vessels".

Nadi dosha : Many astrolgers believe that when both male and female native have the same nadi, this dosha occurs

His exact prediction were:-
  • Problem in child bearing (Correct)
  • The chances of Court Case (incorrect but we were very near. It was the honesty of my family that saved us )
  • One has to suffer from a disease related to NADI "Nerves and blood vessels" because of NADI DOSH in their horoscope as I defined it earlier.

If you search about multiple Sclerosis, It is disease in which our own body starts to produce enemy cells in the Brain. These enemy cells attack our neurons in our brain and break the connection to transmit signal from brain to other sensory organs. This whole system of connection is possible because or NERVES AND NEURONS. Now, I think about the predictions. Weren't they close to accuracy?
Sometimes, I try to restore my skeptical brain. So I listen to what astrologers have to say and just act cautiously. That doesn't make me their puppet but I have a due respect for the philosophy which has been dated to the 3rd millennium BC according to the Wikipedia.

I loved reading your opinion. Thank you.

hmm.. now that i have more context I really cant say much, and i'm sorry if i misread your initial comment... I was of the impression that you were skeptical before and then started to believe in astrology after what happened in your family... though after reading your 2nd comment i can't blame you; it seems like a lot of 'coincident' happen close to how how they were described...

I do get a strong impression that you are a critical thinker in this regard even though you had a very powerful personal experience. It isn't easy to discuss something so sensitive and painful and try to be pragmatic at the same time... So i'm grateful that you were so open about it.


If I may cast a partial eclipse of skepticism on what I read and watched...

I've journeyed quite far since i began to look into Epistemology and understanding how do people arrive to believe in the things they believe... and after all the harmful ideas and believes were stripped... i had to also let go of a couple benign ones, like astrology and superstition, as well as karma and law of attraction (thought that one is less benign).

Still i find it fascinating, I used to listen to this sort of talks, read horoscopes, and see a pattern that i wanted to see, in order to validate what i was hearing, but these days what i hear is mystification mixed with some scientific words to make it sound plausible and vague enough to be free of critical scrutiny.

I want to make it clear, I'm not writing this to attack anyone's intelligence, but to rather challenge the ideas that occupy our minds. I trust that my comment will not be taken as an attempt to offend anyone, but rather sharing of my experience and a call to look at the world with more skeptical eyes, and to ask ourselves "is any answer better than saying 'I don't know'?" "are we observing patterns or are we making them ourselves?"

I feel one key point in addressing the conflict of perspectives represented in this comment is to be found in considering the approach taken - namely, that it's something to be believed in...

Do you believe in chemistry? Physics? Psychology? Theology? Art?

It's kind of an illogical question, because none of those are ideas to be believed in - rather, they are subjects, or bodies of knowledge. Knowledge just is - belief in it is kind of irrelevant, and misleading to the mind, for it prevents an exploration of what is through the tricky mindfuck game of having to judge everything as either absolutely true or false - rather than opening to a broader, full-spectrum in which everything has its place, time, and value.

Of course, there are many premises which many people associate with astrology - overlaying their meanings & interpretations ontop, and completely taking themselves out of the game of understanding what it has to offer as a lens and encyclopedia of knowledge, through which - when approached with inquisitiveness and without preconception - one is able to access expanded self-awareness and wisdom regarding the interaction between and evolution of archetypal forces through the extraction of the dimension of time.

The learning ceases as soon as belief - in or against - kicks in.

There's alot of complexity to this dynamic alone, which go way beyond the scope of this comments thread. I've got another piece in the works on "why astrology" that goes into some of it - hopefully it may bring greater clarity to what's been started here...


And on that note, found while scrolling through Instagram, highly-relevant to the matter:


hah, interesting. I've read something similar once but it was slightly differently worded... appreciate that.

I appreciate that, and I understand your perspective.

By the word 'believe' i don't mean "believe in a concept's existance" but rather "believe in the effectiveness of the said concept"... from a scientific approach.

Meaning if Knowledge is just is, then is there a difference between true knowledge and esoteric - between scientific knowledge and fiction? - both can be deemed as 'knowledge'.

If your question then was: "do you believe in the effectiveness or the truthfulness of chemistry, or art or theology. - to which I will probably give you 3 different answers :) - because they dont stand on the same pillar of credibility.

Then again I agree that there can be a subjective benefit to certain esoteric ways of thought or ways to interpret the world - so to some extend we can derive "effectiveness" from almost any concept that we commit ourselves too.

I would definitely like to read your expansion on astrology... I respect your mind and writing - one of my favorites actually.

@rok-sivante, you rock! i already saw it, and it kinda inspired me to draw something surreal. Thank you!


If you end up publishing on Steemit when complete, please share... 😇

Meaning if Knowledge is just is, then is there a difference between true knowledge and esoteric - between scientific knowledge and fiction?


Semantics are very important to this conversation... to me 'esoteric' is understood as: Studied by few, mystic, abstract, not scientifically verified, and often arcane knowledge - that also deems itself to be "higher knowledge" or a key to crack a hidden meaning or a way to connect to some sort of power/entity.

However, as special as that sounds, actual experiments with mystics/seers and people that practice this knowledge showed to be very inconsistent (which means that no practical models have been constructed), and they often use psychological techniques to persuade others of their knowledge.

Even though I'm skeptical of the practical use of esoteric knowledge, I'm no stranger to it's subjective effects, aesthetic value and historical richness - just like art.

First of all i want to say that, i wanted to explore this Eclipse but we had rain and weather was completely cloudy so we missed the opportunity and failed to witness it, but wherever people watched it they felt amazing.

And yes, Eclipse are Astronomical game and sometimes it arises questions like how this is possible or we are just watching an Illusion or what. And in my opinion these doubts arises because we lack proper and genuine Tutors who hold the proper knowledge of Astronomical Aspects and many who are trying to explain they add their own Speculative Subject which transfers wrong knowledge.

And yes, every aspect is an form of Energy and we surrounded with Energy and Vibrations. And we all know that Moon rules our heart and when moon comes close to Earth then the dynamism of energies and vibrations increases on earth for sure.

And these kind of experiences are once for an Lifetime for sure, and in my opinion we should explore these kind of events so that we can explore or feel the energies and vibrations or for an testing essence.

Let's wait and see what events future holds because, the universe is an Mystery Aspect and we don't know on which moment what we will going to arise, so whatever opportunities we are getting to explore the amazing events like Eclipses, we should enjoy it.

And good to watch that video piece and for sure, times are changed and we are facing different energy flow, lot of suppression and restlessness. And in my opinion we are facing Tough and Rough times.

Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂

Hi rok. I see what you mean. He does know his stuff and can't believe I watched it. Normally wouldn't watch this stuff but I did go and look at the eclipse last night. Not normally a star gazer but there is another one coming in January.


I wish we had a view of the eclipse from over here!
Awesomeness 👍

great writing

I don't really follow astrology or the philosophies of astrologers but am always open to learning something new, and if it's fascinating enough, why not. I trust your recommendation well enough to give it a try

Feel free to check back in and share any particularly interesting insights or takeaways...

Great post,i love this!

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