Astrology Tips for Every Libra - Loneliness is not for You

in #astrology7 years ago

In this post you can also find links to our previous Astrology Tips. People born under the sigh of Libra can see the situation with the eyes of other person. It is your superpower which you can use being a fair judge and a masterly diplomat. But you should always remember to stay objective in any situation.

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Libra is a pair sign and it is crucial for you to find a partner: no Libra will stand loneliness for a long time. In food you should avoid eating products with lots of starch and sugar, while the most useful products for you are apples and cherries.

You can see practical tips for Aries here
You can see practical tips for Taurus here
You can see practical tips for Gemini here
You can see practical tips for Cancer here
You can see practical tips for Leo here
You can see practical tips for Virgo here



Hi @prettytoon, just followed you, can you do one of these for sagitarius? :)
Peace, Carlos.

Thank you. The Tips about Sagitarius will be within a week. Please feel free to ask any questions about astrology. If you like I can give you individual recommendation based on your date of birth.

tank you @prettytoon, my date of birth is 19 of December, 1993, if you have some tips please feel free to say ;)

We need also place of birth and the time of birth if you know

oh ok, time was 15:45 daytime and place was Porto, Portugal :)

@carlosdaniel you have a very rare type of horoscope which shows you have the sixth sense and quite possible the other extra ordinal abilities. You have plenty of energy and a curious mind. Your search might bring you to occult knowledge, but you should take care, such practices might be dangerous for you.
Your social environment might be changing often and fast. Don’t bother about it, it will be easy for you to gain good reputation, and you will have good luck at the job, if it is the one you enjoy. You should watch out, as it is easy to persuade you in an idea which is false, and it might be used against you. As a rule you ignore your health issues but it is wrong.

You are the person of conflict between the tradition and innovation. You have original ideas about the future of mankind and you have a desire to help the others. You are optimistic, you are capable of changing social relations, and you can bring new ideas to this world.
I am pleased to meet you. You seem to be a interesting person. Feel free to contact me

@prettytoon, thank you so much, alot of the things you said are so true, it´s true i dont take very good care of my health and my curiosity and search for ocult (maybe that´s why i went to study archeology in university lol).
I do sometimes feel that sixth sense you talk about, i am able to feel if others are good or bad by just looking at them, it´s like a breeze that hits me and I can sense other peoples mood around me, don´t understand very well what you said about ordinal abilities.
Again thank you, it´s awesome how astrology helps us to understand ourselfs so much.
Peace ;)

@carlosdaniel I ment you might have other unordinary abilities, the skills that seem to be impossible to other people. The conjunction of Uranus and Neptune is very rare. It happens once in 171 years. And you were lucky to be born on such a day. This conjunction allows people to see and feel things that others don't. So if you work with yourself, you can develop other unordinary skills.

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