Spur of the Moment Astrology

in #astrology6 years ago (edited)

Chart reading for just now.


The most interesting thing about this chart and why I decided to post it is, the dynamics going on between the seventh house and the 12th and first house Capricorn planets.

The seventh house planets, they are the North Node, the Sun and Mercury in Leo, indicate a partnership and a good one, based on true love and a bond 'to play and to create' together. The North Node here says, this is the right path. A contract is indicated - this is a marriage proposal, a newly created one.

The 12th house holds a retrograde Saturn in Capricorn.

The first house holds a retrograde Pluto in Capricorn.

See how these points are all connected? The aspect is called a quincunx, its the green dotted lines - there are two, one of them is between Mercury and Pluto. This is the primary contract binding the relationship and it is an agreement to BE TRANSFORMED. That is, the old (ego) dies now and something new and loving is being created out of that. It is the ultimate form of change. It also indicates adjustments to be made.

The other quincunx is between the North Node or 'the path' and Saturn retrograde. Saturn retrograde here in 12, I think is saying there is a past mistake here to be corrected and it has a lot to do with trust. Also I feel that this is a last chance of sorts. The marriage happens now, or goes forward with this error being corrected and the contract being created anew.

The mistake, I feel ... speaking from my own experience and hopefully something about that is mirrored for other people in the same framework, is negative control issues and dishonesty, even criminal behavior that was, in the past, scary and problematic. The retrograde says, time to change it or else. The change or duality of Saturn is responsible and protected SAFE SPACE. Also the South Node (which is not on this chart but is opposite the North Node) is 5 Aquarius... so I feel that this is a past mistake of backing out at the last minute out of fear. The object is to trust what's happening and follow through. Change the mistake of making the wrong kind of change. There is also a need to let go of the past.

One thing I've been telling myself lately when I am totally scared, confused and paranoid is, what would I create here if I can create what I want, rather than being a victim of negative circumstance? In terms of deciding my path. I am finding it to be a good strategy for dealing with paralyzing anxiety also.

Quincunxes also refer to curiosity and adjustment. Like, we want to see what will happen and also the choices presented are soooo interesting!! What are we going to make this into? The possibilities are powerful ... that's Jupiter in Scorpio in 10, also having just recently come out of retrograde. It is opposed by the Moon so it is NEED driven, a need to be properly fed.

Mars in Aquarius in the first house is probably the hazard here - it indicates change. Like, changing your mind or being pulled off course, the danger of doing that. Deal with your fear and stick to your agreement, it is the right one. Indicated also by Venus in Virgo in 8 in opposition to Chiron in Aries (a new beginning). Getting things right, but secretly in a sense. Maybe just being sure, within yourself? The Moon is soon to change into Gemini though, which will bring things out in the open and soon ... within the next day or two. Direct communication is needed. Probably to verify what is real.

Oh yes! That's the missing thing here. APPRECIATION needs to be found, Gratitude. That is the lost interception point of Pisces in the middle of the second house. Perhaps part of the hesitation and detachment that comes with Mars here is just a fear that it looks too good to be true. The committment to change is a big one, involving death and transformation of self, but it is not an obstacle. The distraction comes from having a hard time having faith and trust, that this is really yours and belongs rightfully to you. Neptune in Pisces in the second house.

I was needing this badly, this sort out of the picture. I hope it helps someone else as much as it helped me.

LR 8/4/2018

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