Astrology Report June 20 #ANARKEDEN

in #astrology6 years ago

Hey everyone, here is an Astrology Report for June 20, for all those who are interested in vibing with the energy of the Collective Consciousness from my interpretation of these symbols.

Let’s explore some symbols in the sky to help us navigate the energy of Earth.

What stands out immediately is:

- The Grand Water Trine between Mercury, Retrograde Juipter and Retrograde Neptune.

- The Conjunction of Venus and the North Node opposing the Conjunction of Mars and the South Node

Lets dive into what this means.

The Grand Water Trine between Mercury, Retrograde Juipter and Retrograde Neptune.

A Trine = blessings.
Water = emotion.
A Grand Trine in Water = Emotional Blessings.

Another activation of the grand water trine, I think there will have been 7 from May – July, perhaps 8.

It’s a positive, emotionally transformative time as we adjust to new identities and revolutionary changes within our lives and the collective.

Mercury in Cancer has to do with more nurturing, motherly, sensitive, homely and psychic communication style. Our mental processes are potentiated by Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter in Scorpio, which has to do with superconscious and subconsciousness. The ether and the depths of our psyche.

This points to some real emotional revelation, breakthrough, epiphany. Some deep authenticity being expressed easily, with love, perhaps psychically without words, on an emotional level. This trine has been activated since May 19 on and off, and will continue until July. Big changes in our sub and super conscious minds.

Retrograde Jupiter is uncovering hidden elements within our most intimate soul’s nature, as well as the infinite consciousness of reality. God is blessing our subconscious and conscious mind, perfect synastry and harmony on a mental and emotional level is possible.

The Conjunction of Venus and the North Node opposing the Conjunction of Mars and the South Node

Venus on our North Node = love and blessings and beauty aligning with our destiny and our dharmic path, we are being granted a gift that is going to positively potentiate our future, our soul is being re-aligned with our true values. All this heart expansion we have been encouraged to participate in since the North Node has been in Leo is manifesting in reality now. Egos are lit up in healthy ways, and we fearlessly pursue our prey (our goal, soul path), this is the world I want! This is my vision!

Mars on the South Node = with willpower, action and momentum, lets reawaken the old traditions of the past, let’s bring back the ancient forgotten occult wisdom that has been hidden and suppressed, lets work together and achieve something that benefits the entire community!

The opposition is about incorporating these polarities

Let’s rise up together and achieve this renaissance, let’s merge our hearts, our values, our goals, our visions, our power, our will, our tenacity, and ACT together, team work.

Venus and the North Node also quincunx Retrograde Saturn in Capricorn

How can we establish our hearts desire in reality practically? What rebellious new structures are being made apparent, perhaps they are confusing, never before seen, never before tried, but they seem to be working, maybe they have some credence and should be considered!

Pluto retrograde in Capricorn The systems going through a death and rebirth, as is our definition of success. What is success in THE NEW EARTH!?

Gemini Sun square Virgo Moon both in final degrees.

Getting your shit together, speaking all your truth and organizing all your thoughts, we are about to emotionally involve ourselves with other people and manifest some emotional opportunities that are in line with forming partnerships and manifesting new structures. New opportunities being forged. Revolutionary new insight is becoming conscious, new possibilities for Taurean Breakthroughs in reality (Permaculture, Shamanism, Beauty, Organic Food, Luxury)

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