Astrology July 22/23 2018. Time To Claim Your Throne!

in #astrology6 years ago


As I write, the Sun is moving into Leo, the Queen/King, thankfully. That last degree of Sun in Cancer was draining especially as the Moon was also in Scorpio this morning. Deep water energy (Cancer and Scorpio) can be very draining and this weekend I feel as if I am being dragged through briney water.

But now we have some fire. And we are only 5 days away from the middle of three Eclipses. Jen Duchene and I rapped about in the Weirdly Magical Podcast.

Leo is playful and full of joy, but also proud, arrogant at times and attention seeking.

With the Full Moon Eclipse coming in Aquarius/Leo expect the energies to heat up even more!

You thought this summer was already intense? You ain’t seen nothing yet!

I can feel you all tensing up at the thought, but please don’t.

With tension comes opportunity.

This may be tiring but this is really a time where you can make huge leaps and also release that which just isn’t working.

Last August on the total Eclipse I literally eclipsed the coaching world. I was a part of it for years and kept trying to shift my Astrology work into big coaching packages etc. And it never worked. I spent thousands ON coaching in an attempt to do this.

And suddenly it was gone. A couple of things happened that made me realize how out of alignment this was with my heart’s desire. I just stopped. I withdrew from coaches (life and business) and looked at what I was left with. Astrology, Shamanic work (some areas of it) and writing was what I realized I love. I also realized I don’t WANT to charge people massive amounts of money to work with me.

Hence the shift to writing on here and declaring that I am a writer and that resulted in being offered the opportunity to write my first Astrology book by a publisher. That will be out in November.

But at the time, it was fairly painful. I had to stop seeing some people for a while as I withdrew to see what my heart really desired to do.

Anyways, today the Sagittarius Moon is aspecting the nodes and retrograde Mars which I feel is adding to the tired feeling and a headache that I cannot shake. Mars rules the head.

Overnight for me (mountain time) and early morning the Moon makes a t-square with the building Venus/Neptune opposition. More on that tomorrow but for this is bringing major visions and your imagination is going to be off the chart. A good time to start visioning where you want to shoot your arrows from this Eclipse season.

Until then, welcome to the Sun in Leo!

Much Love

Louise ❤


Deep Mountain Love to these shifts and changes. Change is always a fun creature, if a bit of a throat clencher. Sounds like you rolled right through found your readjusted alignment!! Purrrrrrr.
Wishing you deep soul peace and harmonious work in this world 🐾❤️🐾

Thank you!

I wouldn't say rolling lol. There were those days as I am sure you can imagine

Rolling through doesn’t mean it’s all shiny smooth.... it just means ya keep going. Bumps, dips, bangs and hardstops that roll slowly after we’d are all just part of life. And of Being Human.

And yeah.... I totally get it. 😉
Keep on keeping on!!

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