The Week Ahead for the Astrological Signs

in #astrology6 years ago


Love - This period is one where it may not be easy to share and so not a good time for starting a joint bank account or arranging a pre nup, even in new relationships there can be issues around sharing expenses. Boundaries are very important and to avoid problems each of you has to respect the other’s red lines.

Career - If you have a paper or report to submit, give it another read – it could be better. Any words you communicate to the public are a reflection of you, and so you want it to be the best reflection of you and so no quick fixes or short cuts, be thorough and exhaustive.

Health - Failure in sports and health initiatives is often fertile ground for success to grow in and so mistakes or hiccoughs must be seen as opportunities to learn, to learn fast and well, and to improve and refine.


Love - You are very affectionate and also very demanding; you put much energy in, and yet your partner (no matter what he/she) does may not be able to totally satisfy you. You need to balance your own energy and keep your emotions in check or limit the fluctuations.

Career - While you can be frustrated by limitations, conservatism among colleagues, slowness in international trade and relations and interruption, you must respect the process and not look to circumvent any limits or rules – use this as a time to shore up plans and master your skills.

Health - It can be very helpful to start separating your own emotions and instincts from those which belong to someone else and really should be someone else’s burden. We each have our cross to bear, too many Taurus take on a cross that is not theirs.


Love - Sexual relations are much more energetic, and if you like a little “50 Shades” style shenanigans, this is the time you may try it as sexually you are more curious and more likely to ignore your usual taboos in want of greater satisfaction and pleasure.

Career - Misplaced expectations can give rise to some disappointment; however, once you have realised that perhaps your calculations and goals were a little ambitious for the stage of the project you are at, you can quickly assemble the positives and take what you have learned forward to the next goal, which should be more carefully devised regarding realism (manpower and time –wise) and the financial elements.

Health - Gemini, need to be socially accepted and that, in one way, is a weakness as you tend to adapt to the needs and whims of the group often losing yourself for a while until the group shatters, fragments, or dissolves, and you have to pick sides or develop a new set of friendships.


Love - You are non-committal right now as there is much going on inside you, and you are very unsure; this is not a rejection, and the other person in your life needs to know this.

Career - Your expectations are quite high, and you are alert to possibilities, but you need some discernment as things are changing fast, and you cannot always nail down the exact forward plan as much is up in the air. You are quite competitive mentally and eager to think bigger and have the more innovative approach.

Health - When we start to see ourselves as others see us, we always become more insecure, and we start to measure and judge. In that way, it is not helpful as we forget about uniqueness and also values, and we try and fit ourselves into a one size fits all hole. The more important thing to do is to examine yourself regarding your own goals set and then ponder whether those goals which you set flowed from a genuine passion or a notion that it would please others, i.e., parents.


Love - The key message is that you deserve love and you deserve fun, and without the two, what does life amount to but work, routines and clock watching? So throw off the shackles, forget the obligations, and make time for some rejuvenating, life-enhancing activities that reaffirm your love for each other and your zest for life.

Career - Working with others can be hard, and it takes more effort from you to keep faith in the team and keep your temper. If you work in an environment where your colleagues are up for a full and frank exchange, then that will be easier, but if you are treading on eggshells and trying not to step on toes, that can be very exhausting.

Health - Now is the time to take back control over it and start bringing more balance into your world again as attitudes are becoming lopsided. Leo tend to look for the easy way out right now; you want quick fixes and can sometimes run from one failed quick fix to the next, wasting money and time.


Love - What happens in love and romance this month has greater significance and intensity than usual and can stir up some powerful emotions both good and bad. Emotions tend to rush to the surface, some heavy, some passionate, and yet none easy to ignore.

Career - You can act fearlessly this week, and you can be quite a force of nature who takes others by surprise with your passion and the way you are not deterred. Work which you feel a very strong connection to is especially successful, and so where your work enhances the lives of others or helps others in transforming or rehabilitating themselves, you can have great success.

Health - Sometimes the more power we begin to feel, the more power we arouse in the outside world; so expect greater resistance or some increasingly fierce feedback as you push forward – but do not let this deter you – you can rise to the challenge and prevail.


Love - You seek more depth and intensity in love and relationships. You are impatient with banter and chit chat and will implore your partner to get into conversations about things which are closer to your heart and also closer to the bone in many ways. Regarding dating, flirting and casual interactions are not your thing; you seek meaningful conversations and get quickly bored by anything mechanical or flippant.

Career - Librans are often involved in counselling, and this week those of you who work in marriage counselling, grief counselling, or in any highly-charged emotional situation can excel as you have a better grasp of what is at stake and what is needed.

Health - Librans are very sensitive to rejection, and that means both emotional and intellectual rejection – that can make you go overboard with the people pleasing in order to win approval. This applies not only to romantic, but also to all your relationships both personal and professional.


Love - Friends may feel a new partner is not right for you, but you may be able to see what they cannot see – Scorpio are subtly changing this year, and those changes affect your values and the way you perceive others, not everyone you know will be able to understand this. This is a great time for new relationships between two females.

Career - Day to day routines start to click, and you feel more organised and in control. You can start putting finishing touches to projects, and instead of grappling with the details, you can begin to polish them up and prepare to present. You will tend to click with colleagues, and this is a more cooperative phase where teams gel and productivity is high.

Health - Scorpio needs for green pastures and fresh challenges are at odds with a need for security, and so it is often a direct trade-off where you either have to risk facing some fear short-term or playing safe and foregoing some excitement.


Love - In marriages, short breaks apart can do the relationship the world of good – absence makes the heart grow fonder. This is not a week where you want to live in each other’s pockets; you both need space to pursue separate interests or perhaps hang out with your respective friends.

Career - While work is enjoyable right now, it may be less productive as you socialise more or perhaps focus on the more interactive and creative aspects of the work, putting the hard chores off for later, much later. You enjoy teamwork and are often the glue that sticks the team together and the person who can smooth over any differences that come about.

Health - This time is about fresh starts in the brownfield areas of your life – in the UK you will know what that is, it is wasteland reclaimed from former industrial areas. Look at what are your brownfield areas, parts of your life abandoned and contaminated with some painful memories, time to take back your power over that part of life and reshape it into something positive.


Love - Capricorn are quite charming in love – you know that right now you need support, friendship, and affection, and so you will do what you can to ensure that relationships are not disrupted by disagreements and needless conflict.

Career - It is a time to review your strategy: your business strategy and the way you are going about getting what you want regarding career. This is not a time to just keep plugging on, like a stubborn driver, so pull over, look at the map again and do not be scared to ask for direction and admit you need a new route plan.

Health - You need to realise that you cannot care more for someone than they care for themselves, and thus when you are closely involved or related to someone in a downward spiral, you need some level of disconnect as you are not in control and without some detachment, you can be dragged down that rabbit hole as well.


Love - If you are the main breadwinner or perhaps the more savings inclined, one of the two, you can begin to feel aggrieved that your partner is not pulling his/her weight regarding the financial burden, but it can be hard to broach that subject as your partner may become emotional and in some way use that emotion to block any reasonable progress on this matter.

Career - Mentally alert and picking up the signals and information you need fast, you can learn quickly, and you are soon able to see how to apply new skills. This is a time where theory and practice align. Ideas are turned into workable projects, and initial progress is fast. You can talk yourself out of anything and are fast to sense a problem and react to pre-empt.

Health - There is this feeling that you must repress needs or play a role and you have to be careful that what you repress does not resurface in a way in which you cannot control it.


Love - Pisces looking for love can become bored rather quickly, and you find it hard to put your finger on what it is that people are doing wrong, you just drift from one date to another enjoying the process but not getting hooked into the love vibe with any one person.

Career - You need to avoid unnecessary expenditure or impulsive buys as you cannot rely on what comes in. Even reliable clients may pay later, or you may have a major client go out of business. On the positive side, you can also scoop a new client or get a major new contract, although some of the money from these new opportunities may only come in a few months’ time.

Health - There is a steely determination rising inside you, and you have a firm resolve – what you set your mind to right now becomes The Law, you are a lot tougher than you appear, and no one can take you lightly.

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