Hearing from the Muse and Training the Trickster: September's New Moon

in #astrology7 years ago (edited)


Tuesday night we’ll be experiencing a New Moon in a close opposition to Chiron, the Wounded Healer. Mercury is speeding past a long conjunction with Mars, Venus is catching up to Mars, and Jupiter and Uranus are perfecting their opposition.

Last week might have felt a bit heavy or serious, as the Sun made its twice-yearly square to Saturn. When the Sun makes hard angles to Saturn, we may feel like our light is being dimmed, that cold hard reality trumps our creative expression. At the same time, there could have been the possibility for a solid synthesis, a disciplined or devoted feeling. Venus was also trining Saturn, from the North Node, and so we might have had some assistance from some heavenly connections to clarify our heart’s deeper desires.

These aspects set the stage for Venus’ conjunction with Mars, which will occur exactly on October 5th. Venus and Mars haven’t met since October of 2015, which was the culmination of a few months of them dancing together in the morning sky, meeting three times as Venus retrograded. This conjunction is itself a culmination of a long, several month long dance between them, although this time Venus went retrograde before fully meeting Mars in February.

Things to shoot for as Mars and Venus meet:
-A unity between what we want and what we need
-Strength in androgyny. The feminine blurring into the masculine and vice versa. Our masculine and feminine natures flourishing in mutually beneficial harmony.
-A meeting of lovers, of lover and beloved. Consummation.
-Powerful, cathartic love, purging toxic partnerships or patterns of relationship or finally having a deep, unmet need satisfied.
-Mature love, love that has been on a journey, love that is far-seeing or wise.

All of this is taking place within the context of Jupiter and Uranus’ opposition, which was also very active last winter, from December to March. Global themes of Jupiter and Uranus have to do with sudden inventions, experiences of unexpected grace, paradigm shifts through conflict, difficult or explosive progress, and diplomacy and tradition facing off against a brave, brash, or brilliant pioneering spirit. At that moment, Jupiter came to an exact opposition with Uranus and then went retrograde, which presents us with an image where Uranus might have had somewhat of an upper hand. We can imagine a more traditionally religious or spiritual force, oriented towards meaning and morality, turning back on its course in order to digest a subversive or disruptive experience.

Right now, Uranus is retrograde and Jupiter is moving at full speed after its retrograde this spring. Thus, we can discern a scenario where Jupiter, that bountiful force of tradition and diplomacy, has the upper hand over a frustrated Uranus, the electric, innovative, or rebellious.

Ways to synthesize a retrograde Uranus in an opposition with Jupiter:
-Learning about the deeper nature of eccentricity, electricity, innovation, and iconoclasm.
-Seeing the flaws, flimsiness, or distracting nature of technology.
-Learning to safely work with a volatile, forward-thinking, or impatient energy.
-Breakthroughs in operating systems, upgrades in maps or systems, or the gentle unlocking of a liberating power.
-The traditional revealing itself to be radical, the radical educating itself in traditional ways, the ancient becoming relevant, necessary, or urgent.

Jupiter’s opposition with Uranus will perfect at the end of September and wane by the middle of October, but Uranus will be retrograde until the end of December. Thus, we might consider that for the next few months we will be sitting with and working with whatever downloads of information and wisdom or pathways of education for our inner innovator, liberator, or trickster.

Finally, a brief word on what to expect the next few days as the Moon renews itself into the Sun in an opposition with Chiron. All New Moons are experiences of letting go and emptying out, of returning inwards to the imaginal, the essential, and fundamental. With Chiron so strongly emphasized, we might consider that this New Moon will probe to themes of pain and healing, the hermit’s cave and the difficult, often lonely process of transforming wounds into medicine.

Old, chronic injuries might be re-experienced in stark clarity. We might grasp how our typical treatments are insufficient and encounter new ways of soothing our pain. Chiron is in Pisces, so we can think about how our pain is spiritual in nature—how it connects to larger stories or patterns that we are embedded in. Likewise, healing may lay in those deeper, more subtle realms. Since Chiron is on a retrograde journey itself, we might not expect to fully grok this cycle of healing right away. Rather, we might think of this next week or so to be a good time for some hearty but gentle experimentation.

As always, if you are interested in exploring how all of this plays out in your life, reach out for a reading! Learn more at astrologyally.com/readings
Image: Hiyoka by Erial Ali![11355207_899133276809475_1797824886_n.jpg]

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