
Great post!! What are you doing to do with your $.03 you made? I just saw a picture of your wife, or is it ex wife now? From the looks of her, seems like you could've bought her for that $.03!! Nice work!

Voturbating and hurling insults on the internet, yawn. I'm sure glad you believe your shit is worth all those rewards.


This phrase is all the money: "This is a post about a post of a post, of another post of mine." I will check the post now.

Lol great posts

Nice post douche bag. Lmfao

Yeah looks like I've attracted a troll, thank you for your opinion, glad you found it entertaining.

Uhhhh you're the one who's commenting on my blog. Kinda makes you the troll. Take your 💩 elsewhere

I'm the troll because I commented on your blog? Is that what trolls do, they comment on your blog, they don't troll? Why are you on my blog, just because I was commenting on your blog you decided to call me names on my blog, and call my commenting shit, while acting like I would consider your opinion after you dismissed my comment as an opinion that you wouldn't consider, how odd do you have to be, not only that you expect something from me that you haven't bothered to offer of me, you flagged my comment as you're crying about flags, what kind of hypocrite troll do you have to be, it's obvious who the troll is.

"I'm not the troll because you're the troll"

Go eat a cock...little bitch

Said the troll.

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