What doesn't make sense.

in #assassinationyesterday


The whole concept that "a real shooting didn't even take place" I was hearing yesterday is obviously ridiculous, but there are some aspects of "this doesn't make sense" that do seem worth exploring, mostly in the area of what appears to be secret service incompetence. Like... not already having people on every roof with a line of sight, that kind of thing.

Amazingly, there's an aspect of this that I have direct experience in, which I didn't expect to ever be knowledge that would come in handy for anything. It relates to the "they kept him onstage for too long before getting him out".

In the 2008 election cycle, I lived in Chicago, and there worked for a company that made sets and such. Like... museum exhibits, sets for shows that included Oprah and Ellen, concert things and parades and the like. I got to do real cool things like setting up a tesla coil and indoor tornado at the museum of science and industry. And we set up for Obama's Grant Park rally on election night, the one where America officially elected it's first black President if you don't count Bill Clinton.

Anyways, we didn't just need to make things pretty, but we needed to make things with specific security considerations in mind, especially with the worry at the time. So... if you remember, he spoke in front of a building, and there was no building there mere weeks before. I helped assemble pieces together with a forklift, and it was there not just as backdrop, but so nobody could take a shot from Lakeshore Drive. There were all these pretty glass columns hanging in front of him that looked elegant... and allowed him to be seen by the crowd despite being... bulletproof and strategically placed. And the podium? The campaign wanted it to be reminiscent of Lincoln log cabin... and it had a metal bulletproof box built in that he could be pushed into at a moment's notice. I was inside of it, and had to talk to secret service who checked to make sure we didn't put a bomb in it or something (they're really bad at picking plainclothes outfits).

I don't know if Trump had that kind of podium, much less whether he was kept in such a box until the SUV pulled back for as short a walk relatively unprotected as possible. But I can say it's a thing that's existed and could be a reason they waited a bit, I dunno.

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