Assange Arrested in London

in #assange5 years ago (edited)

This is a picture of everything that is wrong with our world. Julian Assange was arrested this morning! For telling the truth! Exposing the lies of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, uncomfortable truths governments don't want to talk about and the public oppinion would rather ignore...
After seven years holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy, Wikileaks founder appears to have literally been dragged out to be handed to the bloody British police on a bullshit long ago charge. Apparently, he was not allowed to take even one step outside as a free man. After breaking the asylum deal, Ecuadorian embassy officials called the Metropolitan Police to arrest Assange inside the embassy, probably to avoid a scene on the sidewalk, where protesters and journalists could witness...
The whole shameful arrest can be watched here:

Here is how the world reacted to the terrible news:

The British:

The Russians:

President Trump is not up yet but we already know what he'll have to say.

An important reminder comes from Edward Snowden, but who cares about the rule of law anymore?

What happens next is anybody's guess... As far as I know that charge of skipping some court appearance could be settled easy, even with a fine, he could theoretically walk free... which he won't because the US want him badly...
Will the Australian government intervene to protect its citizen? Yeah, right...

This is what 'The Guardian' has to say about the decent way for the UK government to handle this:

But when the call comes from Washington, it requires a firm and principled no. It would neither be safe nor right for the UK to extradite Mr Assange to Mr Trump’s America.

This is a horrible day and the most horrible thing is so few people care...


Look at all those heroic heroes, heroing heroically.

Disgusting. There is no justice. This is what happens to those who are brave or stupid enough to expose the truth. And for allowing this to happen we all deserve the corrupt government that we have.

I'm trying to make up my mind about what you say 'brave or stupid enough'. I think we could add crazy as well. In this world you have to be a bit crazy, the good sort of crazy, to believe you can change anything or get away with it.
As for the 'corrupt government', I don't think yours is any worse than most governments, maybe it's time we updated the definition of government...

Just now heard...terrible, terrible news

I was shocked to see Trump is publicly stating he is not familiar with Wikileaks and Assange today. I know that right wingers will point at whoever the Democrats put up to run against him as justification for their loyalty to him, but he has revealed so clearly he is not the second coming so many say he is.

Maybe we can convince the majority to pencil in ourselves here in the next election.

We choose freedom and anarchy, we wont be needing your services any longer.

Yeah, Trump's reaction was unbelievable. Did someone forget to send him the memo so he knows what to say? Anyway, we shall see what happens...
But I agree with you on the second coming and I find it sad so many good decent people cinging to the illusion that he is the real deal. Understandable, though, we're all running out of hope that the system can be changed and once you accept it cannot be changed then what?

If history is to repeat itself once again, it will be bloodshed. I hope that it can be redirected through means of excluding their systems as much as possible. Of actions counter to their desires. They will lose much of their power if the masses would stop participating with them and revoke their agreements. If people begin choosing value elsewhere than their currencies and demanded valuations in social situations. Seems the only possible solution is to understand ourselves and be true to that. To understand one has to value others if one is deserving of being valued.

People are uneasy, yet frightened of peeking out of the structures the criminals have constructed. But as they tighten their grip and reveal themselves as they do more and more, people will understand it is the criminals who are what is the disease. Hopefully enough to avoid the misery that is probably coming.

I wish I could share even your moderate optimism. With the level of control in our present society, I'm afraid that if they sense masses are anywhere near reaching a critical point some form of bloodshed will be manufactured to distract their attention for a while.

Posted using Partiko Android

this such a shame...

It is definitely a shameful day... seems like every day we draw one day closer to a sadly dystopian future where all types of justice goes out the window... and the "powers that be" pretty much do whatever they want. Very sad...

This was a very sad day for anyone who is awake and paying attention. The trouble is so much of the world isn't awake, they're distracted and confused by their tech and the media. The never ending stream propaganda is doing its job very effectively.

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