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RE: My First Son Leonardo James Lloyd Fougere was Born Today!

in #asonisborn6 years ago

We The People dig deep. We make sacrifices. We view each other as equals. We give of ourselves to bring those around us up. We do this for one reason. Love. Love is what drives us to create a better World and gives us the assurance We need to commit the ultimate act of Love. The ultimate act of Love is God's gift of Our ability to Create Life. God gave us this gift because He has given Us a choice. How will You treat this gift? I know how this man and woman will, and I know how I do. The strength and beauty of creating life is what gives us the drive to create a better World, for the children of the World. Children are our future and our past. If We The People don't stand up to the Evil in this World then We do not deserve this amazing gift. Will you all please stand with Us. We need You and the children of this World need you. They need You more than most people have any idea. Please Wake Up, connect with those around you, work together for a better future. Tomorrow is given to no man, so do it today.
"Riskin Biscuits for a Better World."

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