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RE: Anyone know where I can get a silicone Steem Coin Mold?

in #asksteem6 years ago

No, it depends on the heat when printing. You would need an enclosed bed and then do post processing to ensure all the layers bond well. That's the problem, if the heat isn't high enough, there's gaps between the layers. You have to have the material at exactly the right temperature so it stays solid enough, but it also melts together.

Making aluminum mold trays to make peanut butter steem cups sounds really fun and tempting.

Also a lot of work.


Depending on your budget, you could always purchase and convert a 3D printer to print in chocolate. It's been done and doesn't seem very difficult. Cleaning the machine might be a little difficult, though, and I guess getting the right chocolate and temperature combination is difficult.

I could have a lot of fun with a 3D chocolate printer.

I just checked out a vid of a pre-made chocolate printer. The bead is way too thick for coins. Better go with a single block of chocolate and a CNC milling machine... lol

I doubt it would be much more difficult than cleaning a normal 3d printer. Probably easier actually. Just gotta push through something else.

But considering a custom silicone mold costs $200 if you don't make it yourself, building a chocolate printer sounds way more fun.

Plus I could print anything in chocolate.

If I was getting more for my posts I might consider it more seriously.

I looked at several chocolate printers, and none of them seemed to use too big of beads for it to be a problem.

Most of the ones I saw were outputting crude designs. It looks like there are some better ones out there, but the cheapest way would still probably be to produce your coin on a 3D printer and cast it in silicon.

Being able to print a chocolate Lego castle and people would be first on my list if I ever got a chocolate printer.

LOL! I don't think printing Lego pieces would even have passed my mind if you had not just brought it up. For some reason the first thing I thought of was printing a chocolate version of Big Ben.

Wow... I got side tracked, but it was worth it.

I'm sure this place's sweets are not cheap.

Those look amazing. Not all of them are made with a 3D printer though. Seems they do quite a bit printing 3d models, then making molds, like we were talking about.

BTW, I'm pretty sure they make silicone molds for lego ice cubes. If you could find a two part one, you should be able to use it to make chocolate legos.

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