Need an Opinion?

in #askaway6 years ago (edited)

So the idea is people have questions, not always the best ones but hey we all have them.

Ask Away

I do not promise a prompt response but will answer legit questions best I can without doing a doctorate or going past the first page of google, since it is an opinion I will most likely just say some shit and maybe it answers your question or leaves you frustrated.

I will update the post with my opinion in response to your question until 3days from posting then it will be done, so we don't trigger any flag bots 🤔.

As for prizes? Did I say this was a contest? Now go hop along or ask a question.
But hey it is only fair all legit commenters get a share in the SBD and STEEM from the post.

Drum Roll ...

@monchhichi23 asked :

1. Do our posts get flagged if we edit after 3 days ?

I don't know, but I would not put it past some of the cleanup crews, there is however a monitor on last minute upvotes of a substantial amount, and I think subconciously I chose 3 days also because of grumpy-compliance by @grumpycat , which risks my post being flagged if I use a bot after 3.5 days.

2. We've heard of voodoo, hoodoo, and black magic. I know the origins are from Africa and Haiti. Do you know of any groups of people in other regions, in history, that practiced this kind of stuff?

Not really. I watched taboo and in there they also had origins from africa and in Penny Dreadful with some tarot , in our country South Africa we call them Sangomas or just Witch Doctors, they make sure all the men have long lasting erections, I also remember watching something with an indian guy who was clearly painted to do dark arts so I suspect that voodoo (the good kind) and juju (the bad kind) can be related to all forms of good and bad supernatural beliefs from christianity and satanism to palm readers and salem witches. When I was younger I read a bit about Wicca, even got some crystals , burned a pentagram onto the school court yard using glue , Wicca for a new movement 1950ish is far more confusing it seems than any of the older belief system but mostly they believe that given the right rock you can conjour up some magick in your life, so that is one.

I did google a bit and frankly they tend to refer to it all as witchcraft and only the practisioner seems to be referred to as something special, in Nepal a religious or spiritual practisioner of the occults seems to be a Shaman which from all the movies would be what we call the chain smoking indians from america also, so Shaman can be number 2 more spiritual but still creepy depending on the moonlight. Oh yes, the tarots I mostly associate with Gypsies and so I asked, the response was that Gypsies now known as Roma are originated from India, but as mentioned most countries just have the basic witches and sorcery with no real fancy names, to the point that actual belief probably becomes the magic itself with no action required, my girlfriend is Portuguese and they are Catholic and they love this lady called Lady Fatima which as for most saints or gods it depends on the person and each will be unique to their country and religion, but no matter which you will find the worst is always death, not sure why but ey it is what it is , mexico has La Santa Muerte the goddess of death and with this some nitwit most likely decided blood makes prayers more interesting.

So plenty of terms but not a lot of true origin apart from old religion maybe from Scotland in the pagan times, middle-east and China, I would say the slave trade gave birth to our more modern occults and voodoo is definitely has the most flair , gypsies from india is a lot more mysterious than synister , unless you read Stephen Kings - Thinner , but they had a tough time with that dickwad Hitler and moving to Europe was maybe good for their image but not their numbers. The more spiritual types should also be considered titles like Monk, Shaman, Faith Healer and maybe Ancient Egypt and Chile for their belief in some really bad ass Gods.

Some Links I opened but not all read for your perusal :
JuJu, the dark side of Voodoo
6 Types of Witches From Around the World | Mental Floss
The Mapuche Indians of Chile: Politics, Resistance, & Tradition
Religion and Resistance
Shamanism - Wikipedia
10 Fascinating Magical Traditions From Around The World - Listverse
15 Places Around The World That Still Practice Witchcraft
Gypsy Witchcraft

@tamala asked:

  1. what is the best country to live in and why? Assuming there are no legal constraints to moving there?

I love scotland and even tried working it into @monchhichi23 answer, but always said I would not live in the cities since I don't like rednecks , I literraly just like it for the weather and hills but it turns out they also have some of the best levels of education provided and multiple visa types which accomodate family also, if you want it a bit warmer the New zealand would be a good bet since they have similar landscapes and also great visa options especially if you have qualifications they require. I looked into both of these myself before but think being a stow away would be the only way I get in, Fuck Australia though and final thought would be Iceland but I think very small places like that must have some Jason X fucker around every corner and a quick search shows they prefer Europeans which does make sense though.

If you are up for a culture shock then definitely one of the lower tax countries of which I think Singapore would be a nice balance between Asia and everything else, bulgaria is pretty but just sounds rough like you need a baseball bat to live there. Also Singapore is one of the countries that allows you to incorporate a business there without even living there which I was looking into a while ago when Ghost decided to move out of the UK since Britian just wants all the things, oh and one that keeps popping up if you search low tax is Switzerland which I never even thought of, so I would say the best two for me all things typed and done would be New Zealand or Switzerland, Switzerland would win because then you are part of Europe which gives you a much bigger world than any of the others and Switzerland is obviously beautiful .

P.S Each of these would have proper health care, education, as can be expected, I base it almost entirely on what I think the people are like.

Some Links I opened but not all read for your perusal :
19 Best Countries to Live In for 2018 - Top Places to Live for Greatest Quality of Life
Moving to Scotland |
Bringing my family to Scotland from abroad | TalentScotland
The 10 Most Beautiful Towns in Scotland
How to move to New Zealand and become a citizen - Business Insider
Best Cities to Live in Bulgaria
Best countries to live in where you'll pay less tax
Living in Switzerland ruined me for America and its lousy work culture - Vox

@iamthegray asked:

  1. How do I end 2018 with a bang?

Ok, so you know when you search a city and add the word new years party , you assume to get results?
e.g Klerksdorp New Years Party
Try doing that for Ife or Osu, and I think Lagos might just be a good place to get mugged and killed on new years so that I will never recommend. Basically downtown by me, I only need to travel a few blocks for that you would need to travel 200km which is a lot of work for whoever needs to bring your body back home for burial.

**Now I will interject for a moment to explain, that I have a sense of the person I am speaking to, I think I do, and for any casual reader it would be advised to keep it quiet in the peanut gallery. **

Now at first I was like dammit, this question is going to kill my post, but then I remembered this is an opinion post.

I started by researching hotels in Ile-Ife because I had this whole grand idea planned out , involving getting a job you don't really care about , a girlfriend very close to New Years and a first date ending in a bang, all night long. Want to hear it? I think you can figure out the Hotel, Girl and New Years Eve , little tip: the job involved a proper rage quit with or without taking a dump on the bosses desk.
KrisCourt was the only one that looked like something worth living in, and bonus it has 95% electricity so that is a win already.

We can go down a list of things that the world recommends and see if anything strikes your generic fancy:

All searches on the first page of google, so you know they are legit ;)
My problem is that as I expected they all require other people, go figure, I had a set idea from the start though and some might work if you enjoy spending time with friends or God forbid family on New Years, but I was pleasantly suprised when number 5 on the last link had what I was looking for, New Years and in my opinion any other day people congregate is best spent alone, with yourself, now I did not read the whole thing but they do dissapoint by saying that by the end of the night you meet up with friends and yada yada, which is not technically bad but can be a drag.

So I think the best plan is to not end it with a "bang" since any bang you could plan would frizzle out due to the expectations of said bang.

Spend the day just relaxing, get some beers, visit a reliable pub without assholes, go to the Hotel I mentioned at the beginning if the funds are available, chill in their pu, maybe you find a hook up, but no matter what you do have a drink handy, book in, have a great meal, stay tipsy, reflect, watch a nostalgic movie, and sleep with intent

That is what I honestly would do, I have been trying for years now since I have been with my girlfriend but they seem to think we need to spend Christmas and things together. I have had my share of parties and waking up in a field not sure why , strange houses ... Not worth it, you just have a depro state for days to come because of the binge drinking over that period, sky diving, bungee jumping and massive raves are best suited for spur of the moments or silly holidays, New Years Eve, I think that is best suited for yourself , a purge if you will , calm and collected like cocaine.

Best of luck, and as you mentioned 2018 is still going so If I change my mind which I can I will inform you and we can compare notes :)

@artgirl asked :
1. Which exotic sea food is the best?

I need to apologise first since my silly 3 day rule might have it seem like I am not going to reply, if you were just wondering what is my bloody problem of course, if not then yippee I am replying. Sorry it is a bit late.

In my opinion it either tastes like mud, fish or nothing, I think I will try to give an informed opinion on the range of >tastes like fish to nothing.

Obviously the basics are scallops, oysters, mussels, anything with a shell really, then for >the fish you have the ones with fins so they mostly taste the same also, and then the freaks, long and thin eel or squirmy octopus to good 'ol fashioned squid. The one thing all seafood has in common after searching a bit and >from personally eating crappy snoek which was touted to be just the best I have concluded you are better off >looking for a good spice and condiment range instead of trying to find anything naturally great tasting when it >comes to seafood. Maybe just calamari , calamari rocks!

As for the best, they all have their use case so it might be better to see which pair well , but you asked for the best >in my opinion and the criteria I will use is the following based on personal guidelines I have with food:

  • Should not get my hands dirty
  • I do not want to spend more time removing things than eating
  • I would want to be filled from the meal
  • It needs to be tasty without too much sauce or seasoning
  • Since it is exotic maybe it needs to be a bit weird

Gaebul - The Penis Fish

Not even joking on any level
So using that criteria that would effectively leave a huge amount of Seahorses or a nice steak-like deep sea fish, or as the title says and I am sure some would agree can be quite filling , to be honest I actually was split between Bluefin Tuna and Hogfish they seem exotic to me since I don't know them this side of the ocean, only bluefin tuna, I think we have a tin tuna called that or the tin is just blue and contains tuna.

The Gaebul Penis Fish seems to be meaty, it is ascribed with a sweet flavour has a great name and can be eaten raw with very little seasoning.
It is not on easy to come by on normal shores so that makes it ultra exotic I think.

So the best exotic seafood can be many things and most swear by the Bluefin Tuna so if you have not tried it then do , but based on the fact that everyone thinks it is the best I would think it does not make for a great food story

Some Links I opened but not all read for your perusal :
20 Delicious Sea Monsters Eaten In Asia
The 10 Best-tasting Wild Fish According to the Internet | OutdoorHub
Types of Fish Taste - Catfish, Salmon, Shrimp, Tuna, and Oysters Fish Comparison Taste - Thrillist
Spotting a good catch in exotic frozen seafood, Invest News & Top Stories - The Straits Times
Fish Culinary Profiles and Information Index - Chefs Resources
Bluefin Tuna Culinary Profile - Chefs Resources


Hmmm, let's see it's still the 3rd day so I think you can still answer mine. Which exotic sea food is the best?

Yip definitely, and thank you for your question, I think I would take a chance and answer past the silly 3day thing I made. Won't know what happens if I don't . lol

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Thank you for your question - to improve my service would you please take a moment to rate the answer you received on a scale from :
Absolutely Ridiculous to I should have asked my 5 year old.

Your feedback is appreciated, and will most likely be considered with a pinch of salt. :)

The best! 5 stars of absolute ridiculousness!!!

Oh and I didn't know we get SBDs for asking. Thank you!

Just a thank you for taking part, if post pay out was more then would split that. All your questions helped me get content so you deserve the rewards.

I'll make a post out of what you let me know today. Hahahahaha.

Glad if it inspired a post, and do share with me when done, just in case I might miss it in my feed.

Here you go.

I posted it some hours ago but Steemit went down so... :D Enjoy!

Hahahahaaa my gosh I think the universe is telling me something. 😂😂😂

Ah where to find the best kind of that fish. 😂😂😂 Or worm? Or just it.

Ok, @penderis... you know I'm still kinda new here so 1st...

3days from posting then it will be done, so we don't trigger any flag bots

I'm not sure what you mean by this, does your post get flagged if you edit it after 3 days??

2nd.. We've heard of voodoo, hoodoo, and black magic. I know the origins are from Africa and Haiti. Do you know of any groups of people in other regions, in history, that practiced this kind of stuff?

Thank you for your question - to improve my service would you please take a moment to rate the answer you received on a scale from :
Absolutely Ridiculous to I should have asked my 5 year old.

Your feedback is appreciated, and will most likely be considered with a pinch of salt. :)

Very informative @penderis, I've always found that subject fascinating especially being born and raised in New Orleans where the tales are endless. Thank you for such a thorough response.

Now as far as your rating...

Hahaha, I'm just kidding!! You rock!!

I've got one.

How do I end 2018 with a bang?

No puns please

I will finish up your reply tonight, apologies for the delay, but you had me a bit stumped, but I welcome the challenge. :)


Take your time

The year isn't going away anytime soon

Thank you for your question - to improve my service would you please take a moment to rate the answer you received on a scale from :
Absolutely Ridiculous to I should have asked my 5 year old.

Your feedback is appreciated, and will most likely be considered with a pinch of salt. :)


I really like your answer (and good research on the hotels too).

So I think the best plan is to not end it with a "bang" since any bang you could plan would frizzle out due to the expectations of said bang.


Regardless, I'm still going to try to end it with a bang, maybe a small bang. You have a point though. I'll take your opinion with some French wine, it's something to mull over

For your rating, 90% typical penderis, 10% altruistic (don't ask me what that means, I was just blabbing)


Yes! Totally need your opinion - with no constraints - what is the best country to live in and why? Assuming there are no legal constraints to moving there?? Looking for ideas.

Thank you for your question - to improve my service would you please take a moment to rate the answer you received on a scale from :
Absolutely Ridiculous to I should have asked my 5 year old.

Your feedback is appreciated, and will most likely be considered with a pinch of salt. :)

I'm giving your answer a "pretty damn good" rating and appreciate the link inclusion (which I've opened to peruse).

I'm thinking this should be a regular feature of the Pendeeeeeris show!

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Take your shitty scam and shove it up your arse, maybe you are lucky and that will fix your sites bullshit SSL Cert and in fact maybe get a proper fucking website since the actual site your content comes from is blogger, does that still even exist? And how the fact are you going to manage an entire backend system on something built to host static sites?

You do realise suicide is always an option?

Unfortunately, this is not a legit comment else you could have been in my awesome post you whoremongering spoon rapist.

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