Asian Elephants

in #asianelephants7 years ago (edited)

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Did you know that Asian Elephants are endangered? Well they are. Do you know about Asian Elephants? Well you are about to learn about them.

How Did Asian Elephants Become Endangered

Asian elephants are endangered because they are big animals and they need a lot of habitat to live. Humans are destroying their habitat, causing Asian elephants to have less food and less space to live. They are also endangered because they are illegally hunted for trade.

chains.jpgThe capture of Asian elephants has been reducing the population.

India, Vietnam, and Myanmar have banned capture to conserve their wild herds. Asian elephants are still being hunted in Myanmar for illegal wildlife trade.

Sometimes capture methods lead to death of the Asian elephants.

By 2017, the population is about 30% of what it used to be. Now you know about how they became endangered, but not how you can help.

What People are Doing

Right now in Vietnam the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is supporting an average of 20 forest guards that have been deployed by Vietnamese Government Authorities. The WWF is an organization that helps animals around the world. The WWF also coordinates Elephant Flying Squads in Sumatra.

The Elephant Flying Squads send trained elephants to scare off wild elephants when they are spotted near villages or farms.

crossing the road.jpg

In protecting the Asian elephants the World Wildlife Fund and its partners restore degraded biological corridors so that the elephants can access their migratory route without crossing human territory.

The WWF’s long-term goal is to reconnect twelve protected area’s.

About Asian Elephants

Asian elephants are huge animals with males weighing around 11,000 pounds and being 12 feet tall when they are full grown! Females are shorter and weigh around 7,000 pounds.

The ears of Asian elephants are smaller than other elephants. Asian elephants are very intelligent and they also form strong bonds among themselves. They migrate to find food in a pattern that is usually repeated year after year, if their habitat hasn’t been destroyed. Asian elephant families also take good care of their young, and they spend a lot of time interacting with each other. Asian elephants are herbivores, they eat large quantities of plants, about 300 to 600 pounds a day.

Mating could take place any time of the year. Both females and males give off scents that attract each other. Female are not able to mate until they are 14, some of them wait until they are 25. Males usually mate when they are 35 or 50 due to competition for the right to mate.

In the end, Asian elephants live longer in the zoo than in the wild; in the wild the elephants live to about 56 years old.

In conclusion, you have learned about why Asian elephants are endangered, what people are doing to help, and about Asian elephants. One thing you haven’t learned is what YOU can do to help. What you can do is donate money to help take care of the elephants or even adopt an elephant online at:

Donate To Help


This your mean????
Tahukah Anda bahwa Gajah Asia terancam punah? Baik mereka Apakah Anda tahu tentang Gajah Asia? Nah, Anda akan belajar tentang mereka. Bagaimana Gajah Asia Menjadi Terancam Gajah Asia terancam karena mereka adalah hewan besar dan mereka membutuhkan banyak habitat untuk dijalani. Manusia menghancurkan habitatnya, menyebabkan gajah Asia kekurangan makanan dan sedikit ruang untuk hidup. Mereka juga terancam punah karena mereka diburu secara ilegal untuk diperdagangkan.
Nice share.

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