Ashley by Ashley Roberts. second edition.

in #ashley-perfume23 years ago

It's really great for summer i would say spring summer because of the floralness of this fragrance um it lasts up to about like five to six hours um


it's a noda perfume so that makes it last longer and it's also quite a soft scent um it's not really pungent if that makes sense like some of the fragrance it's like wow you can smell this note

but this isn't it's really a soft floral scent you only have to spray it on like once or twice but that's quite good though because then it means it lasts for quite a long time like with some

fragrances if it's quite a soft fragrance like this is but if it's not as strong you have to spray it on quite a lot and then use it all up before you've like gone the whole summer

you know what i mean so this lasts quite a long time because you don't have to spray on as much and i like that about that i like it about it because it really helps especially when you spray

it on and then it smells the same throughout the whole day it doesn't go into like some fragrances go into like a horrible musky scent but this doesn't it stays the same it's like i said the

whole of the notes just blend really well together so you just get a straight fragrance throughout the day because like i said all the notes blend well together they also blend well to give it

like this sweet floral scent um which is really fresh and really uh great for seasons such as spring and summer because with a lot of the fragrances

that are coming out now it's obviously spring summer time so they start bringing out them type of fragrances but this stands out for me.


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