
Wise words from a wise mind. As said, thou shall not take anyone's word for it cause when it goes all wrong then you wouldn't blame anyone and if it goes well then you take all the credit.

I do look at the Chakras Myth as a fictional beleive but after some deep research and investigation I am becoming to be more interested in chakras and what it holds for the human race. I will still continue with my research in other to be more educated on this subject matter @rok-sivante

Interesting. I hadn't heard of this 9 chakra design idea or that we have recently evolved to this formation. Very cool. This short article makes me want to learn more about it though. It's funny that you wrote about this subject today because I myself just posted about something related to chakras. Hopefully this doesn't seem like I'm trying to promote my own blog on your post, as that's not my intention. I just think it's a Funny coincidence.
neat post :)

There are way more than nine?

Is that like scientology? Just kidding. Very interesting. I had never guessed that things like this could also evolve as other things do.

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