Disclosure, why now? Let's put the unity in community. Part I of a series

in #ascension7 years ago (edited)

I went to sleep with questions and I woke with a series of 'key' words and symbols that trigger the information received in the dreamscape.
The Guardian, my Guardian - an Ancient Mantid being is a Master of the Key. Mantis of this density are able to manifest in 3D and the Mantis beings work with the blue sphere beings for making crop circle messages and safely transporting us in the dream state. The blue spheres are 7th density beings or a collective of energy that works together during this time for this purpose in our 3D earth space. The blue speres are easily invisible with a blue sky background but can be seen and are most often seen floating in gardens and appear to people who are very appreciative of the earth and earth resources and people who are very service to others. The Mantis and Avian have shape-shifting and density hopping abilities, they are highly telepathic. Mantis can command a silence from the insect beings in a large vicinity and they can command a swarm. Mantis can manufacture chemicals which put us back into a dream or paralytic state. Both Avians and Mantid beings are very dexterous.

One question is what is the significance of the 144,000? The answer came as a series of shapes, including the pyramid shape with its many levels and blocks. My waking state is interpreting the dreamscape and my understanding is that:

The first level represents both the seen and unseen world, space and all that is contained therein which can be utilized in or on the world which holds these atomic particles. The sound vibrations, color energy, weight, density, gravity and possibility.

The second level represents form, a coming together as gases, solids, atoms moving between states of being.

The third level is the possibility of unity, a collective of atoms which are working together and from which life as science tries to define it, is possible.

The fourth level is a kind of chaos or harmony depending on the unity of the collective - earth or the star being which is home to these particles also contributes energy to the process. Other beings may also be involved in supporting or hindering the process of the collective.

The fifth level is supporting the foundations of the successful communities, tearing apart the failing communities so they can be free to try again but this level still involves the option of agree, disagree or simply agree to disagree and do nothing, even to work in secret, deception.

The sixth level transcends deception and the beings work in random, tandem and chaos for the best result of the star being.

The seventh level are the ascended beings who have worked as a collective towards the best result for a star being and are communicating through the galactic grid system.

The eighth level are the energy of light and sound and vibration which respond to the grid or create a communication with the grid.

The ninth level are the higher energy beings who work with aspects of or influence from the star beings.

The tenth level are what we call the constellations, having a connection to living beings on each of the stars or planets in our solar system. There are about 12,000 of the beings who were ninth level at the end of the last epoch and who chose to be tenth level constellation communities for this epoch. These were ninth level beings who studied for hundreds and perhaps thousands of years the influences these communities have on the life forms and stars, planets in their chosen solar system. These are the 144,000 who will now choose their next journey during this ascension process in our solar system.

The eleventh level of being may include joining the energy of the solar system to escort the dark force energy into the void of a black hole to transform that energy back to particles. This allows for the energy to be released in the following epoch as the birth of a new sun.

The twelfth level is sun.

When we, a human community, makes a choice via our belief that 'governments' are reliable and necessary forms of enslavement and a government or governments allow for the planet and all of her life forms and elements and particles to be harmed then we have created a cry for intervention that cannot be muted.

"3/11 was Japan’s 911. The Japan earthquake was man made and had a peak seismic intensity of 6.67 Richter and happened 100 km inland at seismic station MYGOO4. The tsunami was caused by nuclear weapons, a total of six of them, set off in sequence in the Japan trench to trigger an enormous tsunami". 1

  1. https://truthnewsinternational.wordpress.com/2014/01/11/fukushima-and-the-japan-earthquake-loud-and-clear/


About the author
Sandra is a psychologist, teacher and autism expert who has written individualized diets for thousands of people around the world. Since 1994 she has been giving 'Sara's Diet' consultations for families affected by autism. Understanding how humanity is undergoing enormous changes in response to the environmental stresses of the modern world, she has seen how the immune system is undergoing a transformation in its function, leading to the explosion in chronic health conditions that effect us emotionally and physically.Along with her husband, Max Desorgher, she formed World Community Autism Program, and traveled the world to teach people about the relationship between diet, environment and well-being.

For more information on her autism work, visit her consultation page on the WCAP website: http://saras-autism-diet.freeservers.com/Sandra/Consultation.html

'Little White Wolf, Medicine Woman'
Sandra is a life-long Experiencer of non-human multi-dimensional intelligent beings, that she encounters through the 'dream-state.

She has written two books on autism:
The Power of Exile. Autism, a journey to recovery https://payhip.com/b/FGn9
Autism, the Way Forward https://payhip.com/b/IsW9

Her most recent book has just been published as an e-book:
The Kingmakers https://payhip.com/b/lZ3M
Meet the Ancients: Ascension Earth - Birth of a new Sun https://payhip.com/b/FC1Z

Meet the Ancients came about as a result of my life experiences being taught in the dreamscape by the Mantid, the Guardian - my Guardian and one of the Ancients who know the history of Earth.

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