Most Recent Arxiv Papers In Superconductivity [Cond-Mat.Supr-Con] | 2019-02-06

in #arxiv6 years ago

Here are some interesting papers in the Superconductivity.

Band filling and disorder effects on the normal state thermoelectric behavior in MgB2 (1902.01847v1)

Ilaria Pallecchi, Marco Monni, Pietro Manfrinetti, Marina Putti


By a combined experimental and theoretical approach, we investigate normal state thermoelectric transport in MgB2, as a probe of selective disorder and doping in the sigma and pi bands. We calculate the temperature dependent diffusive Seebeck coefficient Sdiff(T) with the Boltzmann equation resolved in relaxation time approximation, taking into account the scattering with phonons and impurities, the effect of renormalization and the effect doping in a rigid band approximation. We show that selective disorder has a sizeable effect on the Sdiff magnitude, as it tunes the relative contributions of sigma and pi bands. Disorder also affects the Sdiff temperature dependences, eventually yielding a linear Sdiff(T) behavior in the dirty limit. We also show that band filling has opposite effects on S, depending on which band dominates transport. In parallel, we carry out Seebeck effect measurements on neutron-irradiated Mg11B2, and on two series of doped samples Mg1-xAlxB2 and Mg(B1-xCx)2. From comparison of calculated Sdiff(T) and experimental S(T) curves, we demonstrate that diffusive and phonon drag terms give comparable contributions in clean samples, but the phonon drag term is progressively suppressed with increasing disorder. In C and Al doped samples we observe very different experimental behaviors in terms of sign, magnitude and temperature dependence. Indeed, notwithstanding the similar electron doping introduced by both substitutions, C or Al doping yields disorder which mainly affects either sigma or pi bands, respectively. With the help of our ab-initio approach, we are able to disentangle the several effects and prove that Seebeck coefficient is a very sensitive probe of the kind of disorder.

Classifying superconductivity in compressed H3S (1902.01772v1)

E. F. Talantsev


The discovery of high-temperature superconductivity in compressed H3S by Drozdov and co-workers (A. Drozdov, et. al., Nature 525, 73 (2015)) heralded a new era in superconductivity. To date, the record transition temperature of Tc = 260 K stands with another hydrogen-rich compound, LaH10 (M. Somayazulu, et. al., arXiv:1808.07695) which becomes superconducting at pressure of P = 190 GPa. Despite very intensive first-principle theoretical studies of hydrogen-rich compounds compressed to megabar level pressure, there is a very limited experimental dataset available for such materials. In this paper, we analyze the upper critical field, Bc2(T), data of highly compressed H3S reported by Mozaffari and co-workers (S. Mozaffari, et. al., LA-UR-18-30460, DOI: 10.2172/1481108) by utilizing four different models of Bc2(T). In result, we find that the ratio of superconducting energy gap, {\Delta}(0), to the Fermi energy, {\epsilon}F, in all considered scenarios is 0.03 < {\Delta}(0)/{\epsilon}F < 0.07, with respective ratio of Tc to the Fermi temperature, TF, 0.012 < Tc/TF < 0.039. These characterize H3S as unconventional superconductor and places it on the same trend line in Tc versus TF plot, where all unconventional superconductors located.

Electron-phonon properties and superconductivity of doped antimonene (1806.08203v3)

A. V. Lugovskoi, M. I. Katsnelson, A. N. Rudenko


Antimonene is a recently discovered two-dimensional semiconductor with exceptional environmental stability, high carrier mobility, and strong spin-orbit interactions. In combination with electric field, the latter provides an additional degree of control over the materials' properties because of induced spin splitting. Here, we report on a computational study of electron-phonon coupling and superconductivity in - and -doped antimonene, where we pay a special attention on the effect of the perpendicular electric field. The range of accessible hole concentrations is significantly limited by the dynamical instability, associated with strong Fermi-surface nesting. At the same time, we find that in case of electron-doping antimonene remains stable and can be turned into a state with strong electron-phonon coupling, with the mass enhancement factor of up to 2.3 at realistic charge carrier concentrations. In this regime, antimonene is expected to be a superconductor with the critical temperature of 16 K. Application of bias voltage leads to a considerable modification of the electronic structure, affecting the electron-phonon coupling in antimonene. While these effects are less obvious in case of electron-doping, field-effect in hole-doped antimonene results in a considerable variation of the critical temperature depending on bias voltage.

Fraunhofer patterns in magnetic Josephson junctions with non-uniform magnetic susceptibility (1902.01709v1)

Bence Börcsök, Sachio Komori, Alexander Buzdin, Jason Robinson


The development of superconducting memory and logic based on magnetic Josephson junctions relies on an understanding of junction properties and, in particular, the dependence of critical current on external magnetic flux (i.e. Fraunhofer patterns). With the rapid development of Josephson junctions with various forms of inhomogeneous barrier magnetism, Fraunhofer patterns are increasingly complex. In this paper we model Fraunhofer patterns for magnetic Josephson junctions in which the barrier magnetic susceptibility is position- and external magnetic field dependent. The model predicts anomalous Fraunhofer patterns in which local minima in the Josephson critical current can be nonzero and non-periodic with external magnetic flux due to an interference effect between highly magnetised and demagnetised regions.

Nonlinear electromagnetic response and Higgs mode excitation in BCS superconductors with impurities (1902.01666v1)

Mikhail Silaev


We reveal that due to the presence of disorder oscillations of the order parameter amplitude called the Higgs mode can be effectively excited by the external electromagnetic radiation in usual BCS superconductors. This mechanism works for superconductors with both isotropic s-wave and anisotropic, such as d-wave, pairings. The non-linear response in the presence of impurities is captured by the quasiclassical formalism. We demonstrate that analytical solutions of the Eilenberger equation with impurity collision integral and external field drive coincide with the exact summation of ladder impurity diagrams. Using the developed formalism we show that resonant third-harmonic signal observed in recent experiments is naturally explained by the excitation of Higgs mode mediated by impurity scattering.

Manipulation of Cooper pair entanglement in hybrid topological Josephson junctions (1808.09709v3)

Gianmichele Blasi, Fabio Taddei, Vittorio Giovannetti, Alessandro Braggio


In this work we investigate the supercurrent in a hybrid topological Josephson junction consisting of two planes of topological insulator (TI) in a specific configuration, which allows both local (LAR) and crossed (CAR) Andreev processes at the interfaces with two conventional s-wave superconductors. We describe the effects of gate voltage and magnetic flux controls applied to the edge states of each TI. In particular, we demonstrate that the voltage gating allows the manipulation of the entaglement symmetry of non-local Cooper pairs associated to the CAR process. We establish a connection between the Josephson current-phase relationship of the system and the action of the two external fields, finding that they selectively modify the LAR or the CAR contributions. Remarkably, we find that the critical current of the junction takes a very simple form which reflects the change in the symmetry occurred to the entangled state and allows to determine the microscopic parameters of the junction.

Asymptotics of quasi-classical localized states in 2D system of charged hard-core bosons (1902.01479v1)

Yu. D. Panov, A. S. Moskvin


The continuous quasi-classical two-sublattice approximation is constructed for the 2D system of charged hard-core bosons to explore metastable inhomogeneous states analogous to inhomogeneous localized excitations in magnetic systems. The types of localized excitations are determined by asymptotic analysis and compared with numerical results. Depending on the homogeneous ground state, the excitations are the ferro and antiferro type vortices, the skyrmion-like topological excitations or linear domain walls.

Nonlinear optical response of collective modes in multiband superconductors assisted by nonmagnetic impurities (1902.01104v1)

Yuta Murotani, Ryo Shimano


In multiband superconductors, multiple collective modes exist associated with the multiple order parameters. Oscillations of the amplitude and the relative phase of the order parameters are called Higgs and Leggett modes, respectively. Recently, it has been suggested that nonmagnetic impurity scattering would enhance nonlinear coupling between the Higgs mode and light, while its effect on the Leggett mode is still unresolved. Here, we theoretically investigated the nonlinear optical response of multiband Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer-type superconductors in the presence of nonmagnetic impurities, with a density matrix approach extending the Mattis-Bardeen model of linear response. We found that, unlike the Higgs mode, coupling of the Leggett mode with light is hardly affected by nonmagnetic impurity scattering. As a result, both the light-induced dynamics of the superconducting gaps and the resulting third-harmonic generation are dominated by the Higgs mode. We also examined the role of quasiparticle excitations, revealing a less contribution to the third-harmonic generation.

irbasis: Open-source database and software for intermediate-representation basis functions of imaginary-time Green's function (1807.05237v2)

Naoya Chikano, Kazuyoshi Yoshimi, Junya Otsuki, Hiroshi Shinaoka


The open-source library, irbasis, provides easy-to-use tools for two sets of orthogonal functions named intermediate representation (IR). The IR basis enables a compact representation of the Matsubara Green's function and efficient calculations of quantum models. The IR basis functions are defined as the solution of an integral equation whose analytical solution is not available for this moment. The library consists of a database of pre-computed high-precision numerical solutions and computational code for evaluating the functions from the database. This paper describes technical details and demonstrates how to use the library.

The circulation radius and critical current density in type-II superconductors (1901.06797v2)

Denis Gokhfeld


A method is proposed for estimating the length scale of currents circulating in superconductors. The estimated circulation radius is used to determine the critical current density on the basis of magnetic measurements. The obtained formulas are applicable to samples with negligibly small demagnetizing factors and to polycrystalline superconductors. The proposed method has been verified using experimental magnetization loops measured for polycrystalline YBaCuO and BiPbSrCaCuO superconductors.

Planckian dissipation and scale invariance in a quantum-critical disordered pnictide (1902.01034v1)

Y. Nakajima, T. Metz, C. Eckberg, K. Kirshenbaum, A. Hughes, R. Wang, L. Wang, S. R. Saha, I-Lin Liu, N. P. Butch, Z. Liu, S. V. Borisenko, P. Y. Zavalij, J. Paglione


Quantum-mechanical fluctuations between competing phases at induce exotic finite-temperature collective excitations that are not described by the standard Landau Fermi liquid framework. These excitations exhibit anomalous temperature dependences, or non-Fermi liquid behavior, in the transport and thermodynamic properties in the vicinity of a quantum critical point, and are often intimately linked to the appearance of unconventional Cooper pairing as observed in strongly correlated systems including the high- cuprate and iron pnictide superconductors. The presence of superconductivity, however, precludes direct access to the quantum critical point, and makes it difficult to assess the role of quantum-critical fluctuations in shaping anomalous finite-temperature physical properties, such as Planckian dissipation . Here we report temperature-field scale invariance of non-Fermi liquid thermodynamic, transport and Hall quantities in a non-superconducting iron-pnictide, Ba(FeCoNi)As, indicative of quantum criticality at zero temperature and zero applied magnetic field. Beyond a linear in temperature resistivity, the hallmark signature of strong quasiparticle scattering, we find a more universal Planck-limited scattering rate that obeys a scaling relation between temperature and applied magnetic fields down to the lowest energy scales. Together with the emergence of hole-like carriers close to the zero-temperature and zero-field limit, the scale invariance, isotropic field response and lack of applied pressure sensitivity point to the realization of a novel quantum fluid predicted by the holographic correspondence and born out of a unique quantum critical system that does not drive a pairing instability.

Probabilistic vortex crossing criterion for superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (1901.09291v2)

Saman Jahani, Li-Ping Yang, Adrian Buganza Tepole, Joseph C. Bardin, Hong X. Tang, Zubin Jacob


Superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors have emerged as a promising technology for quantum metrology from the mid-infrared to ultra-violet frequencies. Despite the recent experimental successes, a predictive model to describe the detection event in these detectors is needed to optimize the detection metrics. Here, we propose a probabilistic criterion for single-photon detection based on single-vortex (flux quanta) crossing the width of the nanowire. Our finite-difference calculations demonstrate that a change in the bias current distribution as a result of the photon absorption significantly increases the probability of single-vortex crossing even if the vortex potential barrier has not vanished completely. We estimate the instrument response function and show that the timing uncertainty of this vortex tunneling process corresponds to a fundamental limit in timing jitter of the click event. We demonstrate a trade-space between the timing jitter, quantum efficiency, and dark count rate in TaN, WSi, and NbN superconducting nanowires at different experimental conditions. Our detection model can also explain the experimental observation of exponential decrease in the quantum efficiency of SNSPDs at lower energies. This leads to a pulse-width dependency in the quantum efficiency, and it can be further used as an experimental test to compare across different detection models.

Anomalous low-temperature enhancement of supercurrent in topological-insulator nanoribbon Josephson junctions: evidence for low-energy Andreev bound states (1712.02748v2)

Morteza Kayyalha, Mehdi Kargarian, Aleksandr Kazakov, Ireneusz Miotkowski, Victor M. Galitski, Victor M. Yakovenko, Leonid P. Rokhinson, Yong P. Chen


We report anomalous enhancement of the critical current at low temperatures in gate-tunable Josephson junctions made from topological insulator BiSbTeSe nanoribbons with superconducting Nb electrodes. In contrast to conventional junctions, as a function of the decreasing temperature , the increasing critical current exhibits a sharp upturn at a temperature around 20 of the junction critical temperatures for several different samples and various gate voltages. The vs. demonstrates a short junction behavior for , but crosses over to a long junction behavior for with an exponential -dependence , where is the Boltzmann constant. The extracted characteristic energy-scale is found to be an order of magnitude smaller than the induced superconducting gap of the junction. We attribute the long-junction behavior with such a small to low-energy Andreev bound states (ABS) arising from winding of the electronic wavefunction around the circumference of the topological insulator nanoribbon (TINR). Our TINR-based Josephson junctions with low-energy ABS are promising for future topologically protected devices that may host exotic phenomena such as Majorana fermions.

Highly skewed current-phase relation in superconductor-topological insulator-superconductor Josephson junctions (1812.00499v2)

Morteza Kayyalha, Aleksandr Kazakov, Ireneusz Miotkowski, Sergei Khlebnikov, Leonid P. Rokhinson, Yong P. Chen


Three-dimensional topological insulators (TI's) in proximity with superconductors are expected to exhibit exotic phenomena such as topological superconductivity (TSC) and Majorana bound states (MBS), which may have applications in topological quantum computation. In superconductor-TI-superconductor Josephson junctions, the supercurrent versus the phase difference between the superconductors, referred to as the current-phase relation (CPR), reveals important information including the nature of the superconducting transport. Here, we study the induced superconductivity in gate-tunable Josephson junctions (JJs) made from topological insulator BiSbTeSe2 with superconducting Nb electrodes. We observe highly skewed (non-sinusoidal) CPR in these junctions. The critical current, or the magnitude of the CPR, increases with decreasing temperature down to the lowest accessible temperature (T ~ 20 mK), revealing the existence of low-energy modes in our junctions. The gate dependence shows that close to the Dirac point the CPR becomes less skewed, indicating the transport is more diffusive, most likely due to the presence of electron/hole puddles and charge inhomogeneity. Our experiments provide strong evidence that superconductivity is induced in the highly ballistic topological surface states (TSS) in our gate-tunable TI- based JJs. Furthermore, the measured CPR is in good agreement with the prediction of a model which calculates the phase dependent eigenstate energies in our system, considering the finite width of the electrodes as well as the TSS wave functions extending over the entire circumference of the TI.

Photon Assisted Tunneling of Zero Modes in a Majorana Wire (1902.00797v1)

David M. T. van Zanten, Deividas Sabonis, Judith Suter, Jukka I. Väyrynen, Torsten Karzig, Dmitry I. Pikulin, Eoin C. T. O'Farrell, Davydas Razmadze, Karl D. Petersson, Peter Krogstrup, Charles M. Marcus


Hybrid nanowires with proximity-induced superconductivity in the topological regime host Majorana zero modes (MZMs) at their ends, and networks of such structures can produce topologically protected qubits. In a double-island geometry where each segment hosts a pair of MZMs, inter-pair coupling mixes the charge parity of the islands and opens an energy gap between the even and odd charge states at the inter-island charge degeneracy. Here, we report on the spectroscopic measurement of such an energy gap in an InAs/Al double-island device by tracking the position of the microwave-induced quasiparticle (qp) transitions using a radio-frequency (rf) charge sensor. In zero magnetic field, photon assisted tunneling (PAT) of Cooper pairs gives rise to resonant lines in the 2e-2e periodic charge stability diagram. In the presence of a magnetic field aligned along the nanowire, resonance lines are observed parallel to the inter-island charge degeneracy of the 1e-1e periodic charge stability diagram, where the 1e periodicity results from a zero-energy sub-gap state that emerges in magnetic field. Resonant lines in the charge stability diagram indicate coherent photon assisted tunneling of single-electron states, changing the parity of the two islands. The dependence of resonant frequency on detuning indicates a sizable (GHz-scale) hybridization of zero modes across the junction separating islands.

Radio-frequency methods for Majorana-based quantum devices: fast charge sensing and phase diagram mapping (1902.00789v1)

Davydas Razmadze, Deividas Sabonis, Filip K. Malinowski, Gerbold C. Menard, Sebastian Pauka, Hung Nguyen, David M. T. van Zanten, Eoin C. T. O'Farrell, Judith Suter, Peter Krogstrup, Ferdinand Kuemmeth, Charles M. Marcus


Radio-frequency (RF) reflectometry is implemented in hybrid semiconductor-superconductor nanowire systems designed to probe Majorana zero modes. Two approaches are presented. In the first, hybrid nanowire-based devices are part of a resonant circuit, allowing conductance to be measured as a function of several gate voltages ~40 times faster than using conventional low-frequency lock-in methods. In the second, nanowire devices are capacitively coupled to a nearby RF single-electron transistor made from a separate nanowire, allowing RF detection of charge, including charge-only measurement of the crossover from 2e inter-island charge transitions at zero magnetic field to 1e transitions at axial magnetic fields above 0.6 T, where a topological state is expected. Single-electron sensing yields signal-to-noise exceeding 3 and visibility 99.8% for a measurement time of 1 {\mu}s.

Soliton defects and topological -periodic superconductivity from an orbital magnetic field effect in edge Josephson junctions (1810.12046v2)

G. Tkachov


Recently, much research has been dedicated to understanding topological superconductivity and Majorana zero modes induced by a magnetic field in hybrid proximity structures. This paper proposes a realization of topological superconductivity in a short Josephson junction at an edge of a 2D topological insulator subject to a perpendicular magnetic field. The magnetic field effect is entirely orbital, coming from a gradient of the order parameter phase at the edge, which results in a soliton defect at the junction with a pair of gapless Andreev bound states. The latter are reducible to Majorana zero modes by a unitary rotation and protected by a chiral symmetry. Furthermore, both ground state and excitations are quasiperiodic in the magnetic flux enclosed in the junction, with the period equal to the double flux quantum . This behaviour follows from the gauge invariance of the - phase periodicity of the Majorana states and manifests itself as - spaced magnetic oscillations of the critical current. Another proposed observable is a persistent current occurring in the absence of an external phase bias. Beside the oscillations, it shows a sign reversal prompted by the neutral Majorana zero modes. These findings offer the possibility to access topological superconductivity through low-field dc magnetotransport measurements.

Effects of strong magnetic fields on neutron superfluidity in spin-orbit interactions (1902.00674v1)

Shigehiro Yasui, Chandrasekhar Chatterjee, Muneto Nitta


We discuss neutron phases in the core of neutron stars in strong magnetic field (magnetars). The neutron pairing provides a wide variety of condensates, such as the uniaxial nematic and (D and D) biaxial nematic, with different symmetries stemming from the combinations of spin and momentum. Based on the spin-orbital angular momentum coupling and the spin-magnetic field coupling of the neutrons, we derive the Ginzburg-Landau equation containing higher order terms of the magnetic field. We investigate the phase diagram of the neutron superfluidity, and find that the D biaxial nematic phase is extended by the higher order terms of the magnetic field. We also discuss the thermodynamic properties, the heat capacity and the spin susceptibility.

Low Temperature Specific Heat of Doped SrTiO: Doping Dependence of the Effective Mass and Kadowaki-Woods Scaling Violation (1808.03909v2)

E. McCalla, M. N. Gastiasoro, G. Cassuto, R. M. Fernandes, C. Leighton


We report wide-doping-range ( to cm Hall electron density) low temperature specific heat measurements on single crystal SrTiO:Nb, correlated with electronic transport data and tight-binding modeling. Lattice dynamic contributions to specific heat are shown to be well understood, albeit with unusual sensitivity to doping, likely related to the behavior of soft modes. Electronic contributions to specific heat provide effective masses that increase substantially, from to , across the two SrTiO Lifshitz transitions. It is shown that this behavior can be quantitatively reconciled with quantum oscillation data and calculated band structure, establishing a remarkably doping-independent mass enhancement factor of . Most importantly, with the doping-dependent resistivity prefactor and Sommerfeld coefficient known, Kadowaki-Woods scaling has been tested over the entire doping range probed. Despite classic Fermi liquid behavior in electronic specific heat, standard Kadowaki-Woods scaling is dramatically violated, highlighting the need for new theoretical descriptions of resistivity in SrTiO.

Non-adiabatic dynamics in d+id-wave fermionic superfluids (1804.11257v2)

Ammar A. Kirmani, Maxim Dzero


We consider a problem of non-adiabatic dynamics of a 2D fermionic system with -wave symmetry of paring amplitude. Under the mean-field approximation, we determine the asymptotic behavior of the pairing amplitude following a sudden change of coupling strength. We also study an extended pairing system for which the long-time asymptotic states of the pairing amplitude in the collisionless regime can be determined exactly. By using numerical methods, we have identified three non-equilibrium steady states described by different long-time asymptotes of the pairing amplitude for both the non-integrable and the integrable versions of -wave models. We found that despite of its lack of integrability, long-time dynamics resulting from pairing quenches in the non-integrable model are essentially similar to the ones found for its exactly-integrable extended model. We also obtain the long-time phase diagram of the extended model through the Lax construction that exploits underlying integrability showing that the dynamic phases obtained by numerics are consistent with the dynamics of the exactly integrable approach. Both models describe a topological fermionic system with a topologically non-trivial BCS phase appearing at weak coupling strength. We show that the presence of oscillating order parameter region in the chiral pairing dynamics differs from the d-wave (), which may be used to probe pairing symmetries of chiral superconductors.

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