📷 "ARTZONE PHOTO" "Monochrome" | by @rypo01

Mainly for you to know what is in the photo I will briefly explain that within the productive processes of the oil industry is what we know as Transportation and Distribution of Gas, so as not to make the explanation so long I will tell you that it is specifically transmitted through gas pipelines. rich and dry gas product of the previous processes such as Exploration, Drilling, extraction, production, compression and processing; using the rich gas as the tenderloin of the meat, the best of the production and methane gas which is the largest proportion existing within the composition of natural gas as fuel in the case of stations GNV (Natural Gas Vehicular), the sector industrial such as Potteries and ceramics companies for their furnaces, casaberas, domestic gas among others.
Like any pipeline, call pipeline, pipeline, gas pipeline including sewage pipes of our homes accumulate in the lower part of the pipe, specifically at the six o'clock, sediments and liquids that generate loss of transport capacity and / or fluency of what is being transmitted through it; At home we proceed to clean the pipes with chemical products that help us improve these conditions.
In the oil industry to perform the internal cleaning of a pipeline, we proceed to introduce a cleaning tool, some of which are disc-shaped, others cup-shaped, others cup-shaped and disks, some with magnets and electromagnetic; the selection depends on the planned and / or required cleaning.
Well, after this brief and quick explanation I tell you that when the tool is inside the pipe it is driven with gas pressure creating a pressure differential so that it can come out; all the sediment and water that is accumulated in the pipeline are sent to the burning pit.
I tell you that it is a big flame and a very strong tremor that is felt in the earth when these turbulent pollutants go to the pit, in this particular photo it was 2:00 am and everything in the station was illuminated by the candle that had The pit, this allowed me to make this beautiful capture with my Samsung phone that shows that monochromatic effect in a natural way by visualizing part of the location and clouds of fire mixed with water vapor and others.
I leave as a general culture the video that I took during the activity:
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