Un grito ante el milagro - A cry before the miracle - Poesía bilingûe

in #artzone6 years ago (edited)

“Dios no ha hecho milagros para confundir al ateísmo porque basta con su obra diaria.”

Sir Francis Bacon

Un grito ante el milagro

Guarda silencio ante un milagro,
avanza sólo con versos, no interrumpas el paso.
Es casi una oración atea, pero es una oración.
Desde que nacen, los hombres se congregan
y recitan en sueños su paraíso perdido.
Es como si quedara algo sagrado
sobre esas aguas,
el misterio cristalino se arrebuja.
Tal vez rechaces tanta ceremonia
o te colme el ritual que los convoca,
da lo mismo. No hables.
Descifra despacio cada letra
como quien oye un grillo a media noche
y siente su chirrido como un canto
donde su nombre se menciona.
El Edén tiene su camino hacia el agua.
Tuyo es el paso cuando tu cuerpo
transita esa vía
con el temblor del mundo a cuestas.
Tuyo es el paso, no tu cuerpo.
Tu cuerpo estará aquí,
tendido al sol, soñando.
Hoy, es un grito ante el milagro.


“God has not done miracles to confuse atheism because his daily work is enough.”

Sir Francis Bacon

A cry before the miracle

Be silent in the face of this miracle,
advance only with verses, do not interrupt the step.
It is almost an atheistic prayer, but it is a prayer.
From birth, men congregate
and recite in dreams their lost paradise.
It is as if something sacred remains
on those waters,
the crystalline mystery is enveloped.
Perhaps you reject so much ceremony
or the ritual that summons them,
it doesn't matter. Don't talk.
Slowly decipher each letter
like someone who hears a cricket
in the middle of the night
and feels his chirp like a song
where his name is mentioned.
The Eden has its way to water.
Yours is the step when your body walk that path
with the tremor of the world on its back.
Yours is the step, not your body.
Your body will be here,
lying in the sun, dreaming.
Today, it is a cry before the miracle.

Written by Zeleira Cordero @zeleiracordero.


Photo by Ishan @seefromthesky on Unsplash


For your kind reading... Thanks!

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Just a lovely poem and very thought provoking!

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