Pie someone in the face

"Tarte à la crème"
art & e-motion by Werner Hornung
There's a "custom" in France performed by people that crossed the line and throw creamy pies into the face of people they don't like...mostly celebrity and politicians to assure some time on TV.
They say the origin of this practice comes from slapstick comedies.
This inspired me to the artwork and I only can hope that it will not motivate people to engage in this practice...it constitutes an assault and is punished.
The better you look the more you see
Your creativity is awesome as always...Can I ask which program do you use? I want to learn too ;)
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks for passing by...software is named "Plotaverse" but don't forget, the most important software is on the right side of your brain, called INSPIRATION
You are absolutely all rigth, I totally agree with you and I think that a collaboration between brain and tools is necessary to create great works!
Thank you I will have a look on it
Posted using Partiko Android
Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk
You have been featured on @artzone.
Courtesy of @gbija
Your artwork was recognized, up-voted and resteemed by @trueexpressions, the social expression crypto space for creative thinkers, writers, artists and musicians.
Posted using Partiko iOS
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