Draw Marceline Abbader the Queen of Vampires #SteemArt #Drawing # AdventureTime

in #artzone6 years ago
Today I bring you a Fan Art from one of my favorite characters, sadly when I draw it I do not take record of the process since it was a spontaneous and fast drawing, but I will leave you a little description of this character so that you know it a little more, today I'll talk about the queen of vampires:

Marceline Abbader

This girl is one of the main characters of the Cartoon Network series: Time of Adventure, starting as an evil character but that throughout the series has become more friendly and its history is deepened a lot since you could say that is one of the oldest characters in the series, being one of those who lived the great war of the mushrooms (Allegory to a world war where ghostly and demonic nuclear energy was used to destroy the world today), it goes without saying is immortal for its vampiric origin but it was not always like that, since it is half human and half demon being later turned into a vampire when it tried to kill the last vampire, the King, who before dying bit her, transforming her and turning her into the last one and legitimizes Queen of the Vampires.


He is the second character after the sweet princess who changes his appearance the most during the whole series, almost changing his look for each chapter.


Being half demon only had a power that was to suck the souls of people, thanks to this during his battle against the vampires (shown in the series during the mini series - Adventure Time "Stakes" -) could be made of the powers of his victims obtaining thus: the power to fly, invisibility, healing, and transformation, turning it into a being with a huge power being also the legitimate heir of the Nocheosfera, zone that could be said to be the hell of the series since his father He is the leader of that world.

Marceline uses an ax from her demonic family, which she converted into a bass which she loves very much, during the series she can be seen on multiple occasions playing and singing with him, and it is one of the things that makes me love this character.

I'm your Marceline problem one of my favorite songs (Rebecca Sugar had a lot to do with this character and her songs during her time working for the series before doing Steven Universe).
She has a stuffed toy that during her childhood was given to her by Simon the Ice King, this stuffed animal called Hambo is the most important object of Marceline's life, in my drawing I wanted to express it with him, since it was very important, you can also note a balloon with some potatoes inside, this makes allegory to a song by Marceline where he reproaches his father the king of the night sky because he ate them if they were hers.

Well this was a bit of what is this intricate character I hope you liked this little post and have enjoyed my drawing, until the next post.

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And do not forget that the most important thing is:


Nice drawing :) You should put step by step explanations in your posts, i think it will make your posts stronger :)

Que hermoso dibujo!

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