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RE: Covering “Blue Christmas” – For Our Dawny

in #artzone6 years ago


Oh, I have lots of talents. I had voice lessons and choir study all through middle and high school; I actually started college off studying music. I went to art school before transferring to a university where I graduated with a degree in fashion design. I went on to study graphic design in grad school. I have over 25 years of experience in graphic design, primarily in print media; It’s something I always did as a kind of side gig from the time I was a teenager; after grad school, I worked in magazine publication for local interests. I had planned to go back to work in design after my son went to school; but I became disabled before he was in school full time (preschool through kindergarten were never full school days).

My poetry is something that was always there with my art – I wrote poems from ideas for artworks and notes about artworks, as well as jotting poems down in a diary full of childhood trauma and teen angst. But, actually pursuing writing is something I came to rather late in life.

Yeah… I’m pretty decent at so many varied art forms. None of them pay, though.


Wow this is so great to know and my talent theory of you just got confirmed.

but I became disabled before he was in school full time

If you don't mind can I know what happened?

To my sister? She died from a very aggressive form of stomach cancer.

sorry to hear that dear friend. I also meant to ask about that line I quoted of your comment.

Oh. Sorry. I have a constellation of numerous health and mobility issues. I’m often too ill to be able to work. Plus, I have mobility issues with my hips, my knee, and one of my ankles. In addition, I have numerous allergy and asthma triggers that forces people in my orbit to curtail their own hygiene and scent products, as well as smoking.

I can’t be around people with smoking residue in their clothes, hair, or in soft furnishings at all – for example, I can’t visit my either of my surviving sisters (both of whom smoke) at all without becoming sick for days or weeks afterward. An employer just isn’t going to employ someone for whom every other member of the organization has to upend their lives to accommodate. Seriously, no perfume or cologne. No air fresheners. No hairspray. No scented hair products. No scented soaps or lotions. No ammonia cleaning products. No scented cleaning products – pretty much just Windex. I can’t even be around potpourri. There are very few perfumed products that don’t cause a problem for me.

I also have several food allergies.

Is it a genetic condition? Looks like a family problem.

Sorry that I ask too many questions and don't lnow much about things. Also don't really know how to reply but wish all the good for yoy. But you are like this high IQ google and I learn so much from you and get my inspirations from.

Have you ever given an IQ test or something like that?

I’ve had IQ and other ability tests. I score very high on them. They don’t put a living in the bank, though.

Is it a genetic condition? Looks like a family problem.

Sorry that I ask too many questions and don't lnow much about things. Also don't really know how to reply but wish all the good for yoy. But you are like this high IQ google and I learn so much from you and get my inspirations from.

Have you ever given an IQ test or something like that?

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