Lost in the Wilds (graphic study)

in #artzone6 years ago

As "promised", I'm back on Steemit a bit more regularly. I'm still giving priority to the artwork over Steemit. I finished this drawing yesterday and have already made a start on the painted version of it. But for that, you will have to wait a little as I have quite a few other projects I wish to finish first.

There are several more drawings that are on the drawing board and a number of paintings. I'm certainly going to be busy for the remainder of July and certainly well into August.

All work and no play makes Leo a dull boy, so I have to make my way out to @gric for some hiking in the mountains. I believe there might even be an inflatable canoe ride down the river.

But, I'm in the studio today and now I'm going to get cracking on one of those drawings. So you should be hearing from me again soon. 

I hope things are flowing along nicely in your world. =)

"Lost in the Wilds (graphic study)", Leo Plaw, 34 x 24 cm, pastel pencil on paper.

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More of my artwork can be found on my website. LeoPlaw.com
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I'm so glad you are 'back' and posting a bit more. See, it's kind of nice just sharing a drawing. And boy what a drawing! Amazing detail and emotion. I can't wait to see this one grow. There is a lot of Story in this one.

Are they lost in the wild, cold, unclothed, and alone? have they been dropped there by some uncaring creator to fend for themselves, has their ship dashed itself on the rocks of a foreign land and they, stripped bare by the action, left to start a new in a foreign land?

Have fun in your inflatable. I have been considering getting some inflatable kayaks for our place. We have a couple standard we keep here but when company arrives it'd be nice to have more. I wonder how sturdy they are, you'll have to post about that!

Do you write stories Donna? If you don't already perhaps you should.

Nice on the details, background and the setting.

I know this is 24 days old, on "But for that, you will have to wait a little as I have quite a few other projects I wish to finish first." please, do what you can.

Hi @sinisterfoxcloud! I still check the comments. =)
It just so happens I am working on the painting today. But you'll still have to wait a bit.

All my attention to this day is ultimately focused on your painting @leoplaw. That's great

Thank you Chalid!

wow, very nice and detailed! You did an amazing job!

Maybe they will find their way home.

It's really nice that you're posting more often again :> Always a treat to see your arts !

Love the tonality in this one, very beautiful picture so far. I will be patient and await the finished version :>

Thank you @veryspider! I'll have other artworks to post before I paint this image.

@leoplaw another beautiful art! Love it! The girl looked as if she was pondering/deep in thought...captured really nicely. Upvoted to support. Come check out my newest speedpainting Part 1 if you have time as well...would love feedback! :)

it reminded me immediately of the love scene in Zabriskie Point:

hmmm... YouTube says no... video is unavailable.

not so - I am playing it right now, right here on this tread!
Maybe YT thinks you are not a "mature" viewer, lol

Maybe YT thinks I'm immature for using an ad blocker.

then you would not be able to see the majority of YT videos if that makes the video unavailable to you. For me, it played without ads, and it does so on this embedded video: no ads!

what is she doing , very nice drawing Leo <3

She's wondering what to do next. Thank you Adele!

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