in #artzone7 years ago


Tonight I think simple about Art ..

Start something without knowing start and finish...

Seni memiliki arti segala perbuatan atau tindakan yang dilakukan dengan maksud menghasilkan keindahan.

Art has the meaning of all actions and actions done with the intention of producing beauty

Seni itu memiliki makna yang luas,
tergantung sudut pandang yang kita ambil,
dengan seni semua menjadi lebih berharga, hal yang biasa menjadi bernilai, sederhana menjadi mewah, kusam menjadi berwarna.

The art has a wide meaning,
depending on the point of view we take,
with the art of all being more valuable, the ordinary things become worth, simple being fancy, dull to be colored.

Dalam realita hidup kita selalu berhubungan dengan seni, seni merupakan warna atau artistik dari kehidupan.

In the reality of our lives are always related to art, art is the color or artistic of life.

Karya-karya indah goresan anak bangsa membuat kita tau potret keindahan alam semesta, Budaya Mancanegara, kreatifitas yang mendunia, semua di simpulkan dalam SENI

The beautiful works of scratching artists make us know the portrait of the beauty of the universe, the Culture Abroad, the worldwide creativity, all concluded in ART


I think it's the most complicated and difficult job to write, but it all starts now as I take action to join in steemit.

Suggestions from my friends I hope to be better..

Thank You For Visit My Blog...




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