in #artzone6 years ago

Yugen15 online.jpg
Yūgen: Chapter Fifteen


Onwards through the third vortex till the bloom of analytical intent.
The flower holds endless dreams within, everything possible, or so it seems...

Looking deep into the unknown, creating tools, at first from stone.
Inquisitive minds through hazardous times, pushing the boundaries of understanding the lies. Some encourage, some resist, but all who enter, quest for this.

To help one another is the task at hand, but neutrally created, its taken and banned.
We must move forward, we can’t go back, reclaim the knowledge from the maniacs.

through the mind,
we see the concealed,
unto the world,
secrets revealed...

Yūgen: "An awareness of the Universe that triggers emotional responses too deep and powerful for words"

The Yūgen project is my life-long artistic and spiritual exercise. Through colourful cartoons, pop-culture references, quotes and puzzle pieces I create a psychedelic maelstroms of tranquil chaos; exploring elements of society, philosophy, science, and nature while weaving a trail of breadcrumbs for those unsane enough to follow…

Whenever the time feels right, I create six new chapters attempting to capture my journey, interpretations and reflections, expressed honestly and thoroughly, with my comedic slant and child-like optimism. I call these six chapters a Baktun.

Chapter fifteen is the third chapter of my third Baktun...

Thanks for checking out my work, I've just returned from Triplicity festival, so will be beginning Chapter Sixteen over the next few days...

Hope everyones surviving the matrix with an open mind, a heart full of love, a soul full of creativity, a spring in your step and a smile sprawled across your face!!

Love n light everyone x

Original Art & poetry by me (Cult Creations)

Gallery: https://cultcreations.deviantart.com/gallery/
Support: https://www.patreon.com/cultcreations
Merch: https://www.redbubble.com/people/cultcreations
FB: https://www.facebook.com/coltcreations/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/cultcreations/

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