in #artzone6 years ago

Hello Artzonians,

@chiama here reporting for @artzone.

I am in awe of how large the @artzone community is growing. It is refreshing to see such impeccable art work and music posted into the block chain. Everyday, winners are chosen and it got me thinking, why not make a post featuring artists in the community so we can know more about them.



Today, we have a very talented artist in the house, when you see her artwork, you will be left speechless as I was. Her talent is undoubtedly very unique and I am so happy she agreed to be featured on the artzone blog.

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art by @adelepazani

Her name is @adelepazani

Hello, please can you introduce yourself?

Hi , I’m Adele born in Iran , in 1986.
It’s been about 9 years I choose painting as my work.

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art by @adelepazani

When did you realize that you had a passion for the arts?

It began since childhood. I was familiar with painting and colours. About 9 years ago, I drew my first big self portrait with charcoal, and it was the first day of a serious start .

Wow, that is great!!! When did you join steemit and how has your journey been so far?

I joined steemit in November 2017, one of my best friends @gric suggested that I join, and I quickly decided to join it without any experience about cryptocurrency.
I am having a great journey here, also a nice feedback about my works. I found some artist friends, so many talented people with different style. Watching their works and the process everyday can be an art class .

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art by @adelepazani

What sort of art do you specialize in?

That’s what I think about always. I do not specialize in any distinct technique and sort of art.
I decided to try many things, oil paintings, charcoal, color pencil, watercolor, acrylics, rapid, ink …
My favorite technique is working with ink and rapid, but it’s not the only style I want to do.
I cannot stick with an exact Style, I must change it. It’s my daily life work. Maybe that’s not a good way, or maybe it is, who knows?
Maybe someday will find my own style but I doubt if I can be steady on an exact sort of art .

As regards art, whose blog are you obsessed with on steemit and why?

Mostly I check artist’s blogs to get inspiration and learn new ways .
I learnt many things from web by watching other’s works .

As you know, in @artzone we have the music department, what sort of music do you listen to as you work?

I don’t have any music playing in the studio , it’s hard enough to concentrate as it is without adding any other distractions.
But sometimes I listen to what attracts me at the moment. It depends on my mood, it maybe rock or light music. When I want to get relax, I listen Iranian Traditional music, Edvard Grieg and other great classical musicians .
But mostly I work in silence

Where do you draw inspiration from?

My inspiration come from life, nature, people, imaginations, dreams, targets, everything can inspire me .

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art by @adelepazani

What encouraging words would you give upcoming artists?

Well I’m not an Artist, I just do painting, but the best words I can offer you, is do what you like , what you makes you satisfied.
Sometimes we do something just to get others impression, and it will ruin our day. Every artist suffers from doubt. You deal with it by carrying on working. never forget your targets and be consistent.

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art by @adelepazani

If you could meet any artist in the world, past or present, who would it be and why?

Hmmm,,, I would love to meet Michelangelo, I want to watch him while working on David’s hands
I love to meet Hafez, I would want him to write a poem for me .
I like to meet Rumi ,
I like to meet Rene Magritte , Frida Kahlo , Dali ,
I would like to spend a day in Howard Hodgkin’s studio .
And I would love to watch Peter Gric and Miguel Angel Moraleda Santacruz work. There are many artists I would like to meet haha …

Give a shout out to your friends and fans on steemit?

Keep on shining, Forget about your worries and your strife, and enjoy yourself! Glad I’m here and I’m able to share my artworks with you.

It was a pleasure talking to you, Thank you very much for your time

You are welcome @chiama , ❤️❤️

I hope you all enjoyed the interview with @adelepazani, till I come your way next time with another talented artist , Keep it locked with the @artzone blog!!!!!!

Much love from artzone curators:


Thank You So Much @artzone :) A Great Team
@chiama THANK YOU DEAR , I Appreciate <3

Nice interview @Chiama and @AdelePazani, you're a talented artist with great taste! You named some of my favorite artists, I'm also born in 1986, I have roots from Iran, and my last name is also Italian! It's great to learn of connections we have with one another. I love how Steemit is making borders disappear :D

that's very nice to hear Giovani , so we have some similarities ...
and thank you for your kind words

Wonderful and well deserved, I love @adelepazani's work and have followed her for some time. I honestly believe we really do have an amazing artist community on Steemit and am always finding new amazing talent and great people as well.

And I really love @adelepazzani's circle pieces, I call them. They are instantly recognizable as hers.

thank you dear donna you are always kind

Congratulations Adele! It's a beautiful interview!

Thank you Peter :)

It is an excellent job, I like the way you express what you feel and how you feel the art, I think that inspiration yours will be the source of inspiration for others! Beautiful works of art

Amazing idea... Giving artist a lift from all angles .. @adelepazani you are an special talent! More power...✌

Such beautiful pieces featured. This is a wonderful initiative. Great job @chiama and @adelepazani is truly talented.

Excellent initiative to inform users who excel in art. I really like the drawings of @adelepazani

Amazing and wonderful @adelepazani

thank you very much <3

Post yang luar biasa photo photonya yang begitu bagus dan berseni

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