Art With Words Contest #2 Theme: Dreams

in #artwithwords6 years ago
Art with words #2 Dreams

Today I want to show you my entry for the art with words contest week 2 (brought to us by @photoquest):

I often "draw" something around words when listing to boring speeches etc. or just to do something along the way during other labor. So as I've seen the contest I wanted to try if I could make some 'word art' on purpose. I kinda found it more difficult to draw to a given theme and time, but I managed it and here's the result:


As requested some images of the progress:

First draft - Drawn with a pencil. I started writting down the letters and decorate them, let my inspiration run free.

Begin of the contest image. As in the draft I started with the letters and sketched the first decorations. I changed the rose flowers on the 'r' to a tree, as I thought this would suit the shape better.

Then I continued adding the details.

Finally I started coloring everything with colored pencils.

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