Entry for Artstorm Contest #33 - Cup Cakes

in #artstorm6 years ago

Hey guys! How's it going? :D

Well, this is my entry in the digital category for today's #artstorm contest made by @deemarshall. Today's theme is "Cup Cakes"


It's been a while since I last made a pixel art, and even though it looks very simple it was quite chaotic to make this cupcake. For months I didn't use the program that I have to make pixel art, and I had completely forgotten the shortcuts. It was indeed a bit frustrating at some point, but I do like the result, so it was worth it :D

I made a lemon cupcake at the request of a friend of mine, even though I never had one of those. It's cute anyway, so I don't mind at all (´-ω-`)

Well guys, hope you like itヾ(*^▽゚)
-Love, Eddy ♡



Mmm, sounds delicious! I love lemon flavour in cupcakes. The little legs and arms are so cute :)

A lemon cupcake sounds like it would have an interesting flavor, I should try it one day :)

If you can find one called 'lemon drizzle cake', that is mega :)

It is beautiful and adorable. I already feel embarrassment for my drawing!!

My drawing It's not really that good It's kinda messy if you ask me, it's been a long time since I do sometime like this XD

You're drawing it's really good. The idea of a unicorn cupcake it's really cute, I never seen one those, I'm kinda curious to know what flavor they have.

ajajajajajajaj Jokes, you have a very nice drawing, I compare it with mine. If you liked my drawing, good! The idea occurred to me because I saw these days an image of a unicorn defecating cup cakes, it sounds disgusting, but the image was beautiful. If you want, I'll show you.

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