Entry for Artstorm Contest #13 - buttercups and daisies

in #artstorm6 years ago (edited)


Digital Art entry

Buttercups and Daisies
Title of this art: The Golden Glow

I made a picture of two girls caught in the middle of a frenzy. They collected buttercups and daisies so they can make some daisy chains and fairy crowns. The small girl is working on the daisy chains when she noticed something exciting. She saw a golden yellow glow on the chin of her bigger sister. The bigger sister is actually about to smell the buttercup flower when the said flower created an illusion of glow on the girl's skin upon contact. They thought it was something magical and so they told their friends about it.

What about you Steemies, do you have fond stories about the local flowers in your area when you're young? What sort of crafts or activities did you have with them? Have you tried drying them pressed within the pages of books? Feel free to share them below.

I hope you like this drawing and the little story. Until next time.



I love your little story and lovely picture. It would go well in a children's story book :)

That was a very heart warming comment Dee. Thank you again.

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Thanks yey glad I was chosen for an upvote

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