Entry for Artstorm Contest #11 - first love

in #artstorm6 years ago (edited)


Digital Art entry

First Love

Title of this art: Mr. And Mrs. Heart

Here is my digital art entry for the artstorm contest hosted by Dee Marshall. On this drawing, Mr. and Mrs. Heart are dancing waltz during their first date together. This is actually Mrs. Heart's first dance and Mr. Heart is her first love. Look how the world stopped when Mrs. Heart had this quick pose during the waltz. That was quick but it was like forever. Mrs. Heart's pulse is racing like it's no one's business. Her deep pink complexion is blushing and could be noticed from afar. That is how she was and still is very much in love with her first and last love -- Mr. Heart.

I know it would be such a difficult challenge for me to interpret the theme. I can think of lots of ideas and choosing the right one would take like forever for me. I just let my hand do the drawing although I am already going for something that could look like a heart. Yes it all started with the heart shape and I noticed I made something that looked like the shape of a fox's face. Then I developed the idea from there. Instead of making the characters look like foxes I made them look like hearts and foxes combined. That made it even easier for me to pick a name for the characters -- Mr and Mrs Heart.

Choosing the colors. I did not intend to use just one color. I was thinking about putting these lovely characters into lovely outfits but I know that will take more time. When I was done building the basic shapes using solid deep pink, I thought that will be enough to get my ideas materialized. I do not need detailed outfits this time. Let that deep pink color speak out loud. And it did and I loved it. Simple, Pure, Pink and that is Love.

Until next time.


Wow, partners forever!

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