Steemit Art Centre Interview with the Brilliant, Muti-talented Artist @lildebbiecakes

in #artstorm6 years ago

Steemit Art Centre Interview with Deb Grote.jpg

Here is the interview with @lildebbiecakes! I know many of you have looked forward to reading it.

Please enjoy!


You say on your profile that you joined Steemit in December 2017. What drew you to
Steemit in the first place?


I would have to say my dear husband Rick, alias @sighmanjestah, had eventually talked me
into it. Rick had joined Steemit seven months prior to me. He had heard about it through the

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Deb, Rick and Toby

Rick and I retired two years ago after owning and running a small “ma and pa”
pharmacy business for about thirty-five years. We both were searching for something we could do at home to generate a little income.

Rick had seen, through the internet, that he might be able to make some money right here on Steemit. Rick started first, he’s a very good writer, and has done very well. Currently, he is working for someone and is unable to invest much time on Steemit. Rick tried to talk me into joining Steemit myself, wanting me to join the many art contests available, but I had no interest in drawing anything on the internet. I didn’t like drawing with a mouse, I couldn’t achieve the control of the tools necessary to draw what I wanted.

I usually draw very intricate stuff and it drove me crazy that I couldn’t even draw a straight line. I’m a perfectionist when it comes to my art, so I gave up on that idea fairly quickly.

My brother in law bought a new cell phone, and an iPad was offered at a much lower price if he bought both. So he did buy both with me in mind. (I have an awesome brother in law bless his soul.)
The application I currently prefer is Procreate and it is designed primarily for artists and comes with incredible tools, which I haven’t all learned yet. I love drawing on it, I’m completely hooked. I love that I can bring it with me wherever I go.

My brother in law also purchased an Apple pencil that works well with Procreate that is not attached to the system, giving me complete freedom to move and I am able to zoom in, to add fine details with the tip of my pen effortlessly and I can steady my hand to draw that perfect line, and it will also help you with that if need be.


I know you as a brilliant digital artist who creates superb work with skill, expertise, fun and much, much more. What led you to digital art?


I would have to say my husband and brother in law. I do not consider myself to be a brilliant
digital artist at all, but thank you, Dee, for your kind compliments.

I’m just learning how to run a computer, let alone creating digital artwork. I started drawing on an iPad only five months ago.

Goes to show you, you can teach an old dog new tricks! My husband is continuously trying to increase my knowledge on all of the other digital drawing apps and tools, but it has been slow going and it takes away from my drawing time.

I am a self taught-artist. I had two terrific art teachers in High School that showed me just how to shade properly, and also taught me a lot about perspective drawing. “OP art,” optical illusion art, was introduced to me which greatly advanced the realism in my work. My favorite media is probably acrylic paint, but I love working with colored pencils as well.

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'Hands' by Debbie Grote

I think I started drawing before walking. Creating art is like breathing to me. My other five siblings including my mother and father, are all terrific artist, none of which do it for a living. They only draw for entertainment. I believe that we’ve been blessed through our genes from our parents.

I remember doing fairly decent portraits of famous people at eight years of age. I started selling portraits to friends in high school. And I still continue selling artwork to this day, not only portraits but I paint all kinds of things. I sold many pieces through our pharmacy. We made a little area in the corner of our shop and called it “Deb’s creative corner.” I have lots of artwork to sell, and I plan on selling it someday over the internet. I like crafting too so I have a lot of that for sale also.

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Deb's Photo Used for her Self-portrait

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You are a long-term member of Artstorm. In fact, I think you are our longest participant
entering since the very beginning of the contest. You also kindly support the contest by visiting the work of other entrants with your interesting and encouraging comments. Why do you think it is important to do this?


Artstorm was the first contest I entered into, and some of the regular Artstorm artists that I met at that time were so incredibly helpful, friendly, loving and very supportive with open arms.

Their replies were very uplifting. It touched my heart, and so I made it a goal to pass it on. I
like to call it 'SPREADING THE LOVE!'.

Through careful observation, I soon realized that many newbie Steemians come to Artstorm to display there work, just as I did, and I make an effort to reply on their artwork and welcome them to the Steemit community and Artstorm. I deeply believe that through compassion, encouragement, support and love you can make wherever you're at a better place to exist.


You enter as many art contests as time allows regularly. What part of entering a contest gives you the most pleasure?


I try purposely whenever I can, to enter artwork that gives one a feeling of joy, happiness, and love, and the response I get from that gives me the most pleasure. If I can brighten someone’s day, that means everything to me. Sometimes I’ll draw funny stuff, other times more serious stuff. From time to time I quote scripture from the Bible and add it to my drawings.


Over the past year, Steemit has changed remarkably. There have been a couple of
hardforks and it has become a viable social media. How do you see Steemit developing in the future?


I would like to see its continued growth through people helping people. Older members helping younger ones to grow without greed, hatred, or envy. Continued good sportsmanship is key. I believe that a business can only grow by loving and caring about their customers. I also believe you have to go “ that extra mile” for your customers in order for your business to be strong.

That’s why I believe our pharmacy business ran for thirty-five years. Steemit is a business, and all of us joining are starting our own tiny businesses, but you always start at the bottom. Some make it big because they sincerely care about their employees and customers, and others that don’t care, they eventually fail in time. I don’t know really what the future will hold for Steemit. I only hope that all will learn and truly understand that it’s much better to give than receive referring to Acts 20:35:

'I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak. And
remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to
receive.’ '


Could you please choose one/some examples of your art to show us?


Sure I’d love to.

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Christmas Greeting #13 - Gen 1:26 December 13, 2017 — Steemit
Animated Procreate drawing by my wife inspired by Gen 1:26 Genesis 1:26 (NKJV) 26 Then God said, “Let Us make man… by sighmanjestah

Link to greeting card video before Deb had her own account

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Model for 'Digital Fish'

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Digital Fish


Is there anything else you would like in the interview?


I believe you have greatly covered everything. You are another reason I enjoy Artstorm so much Dee, you're a wonderful person and gracious host. Thank you so very much friend for asking me to be interviewed.

I pray that people will find my interview even half as interesting as the others you have interviewed in the past.

Blessings to you friend❣

I'm sure you will agree when I say this interview with @lildebbiecakes is of great interest to everyone in our community!

Thank you so much, Deb!


nice interview @deemarshall, these interviews help a lot to know us, it is a pleasure to meet art colleagues, very nice works @lildebbiecakes. I have always been curious to know what is behind each profile created in steemit and I think this helps a lot, I hope to personally meet you all someday ...

Thank you so much for your kind comments. Let me know on Discord if you would like to be interviewed.

I think it's a good idea, it would be a pleasure for me @deemarshall

Contact me on Discord and I will send you details.

Looking forward to the interview with @pollocyber already...

@laputis soon! will be available thanks for the support

@pollocyber, I’ve grown to admire you, and your beautiful artwork so very much. Your beautiful spirit shows through you creativity, and the words you say are so deeply poetic and beautiful. Thank you for your kind words friend. I would love to personally meet you and many others here on Steemit❣️Bless you

Absolutely fantastic interview! A beautiful insight into such a loving and kind member of Steemit and this planet! It's so nice to hear that the people around you are as equally kind, that can only be a reciprocation of your generous and giving nature @lildebbiecakes!

I also love that you picked up digital art only 5 months ago and almost mastered it already!

Ok, I got to tell you, almost mastered is a stretch! She would be a digital pro if she would have embraced my passion for computers 20 some years ago. I even bought her one of the first Wacom tablets and pen, but at that time there was too much of a learning curve, and unfortunately I didn’t have the patience to teach her how to use the computer.
I really believe she would even do better if she would learn some of the Procreate apps. special features.
Our daughter at least did embrace the computer and she used the Wacom tablet and she did inherit her mother’s artistic qualities.

Thanks for your kind words @magiccleatus, I know they mean a lot to her. As her husband, I am probably one of her worst critics as I know what she is capable of.


My darling husband your absolutely right, I have a lot to learn about digital drawing that’s for sure! I am blessed that you speak the truth and don’t sugar coat anything when I ask you what you think, after all you are the public. You have definitely been my worst critic, other than for myself, when it comes to my artwork. You usually keep your opinions to yourself, and I greatly appreciate that. But I believe you when you say I can do much better with my artwork, I truly believe, you believe that I can. It helps me to strive harder. You have helped me become a better artist, almost my whole intire life beautiful friend! A better artist, and person, by your sincere honest opinion and gentle kindness. I do ask for for your opinion quite often, and you tell me what you honestly think andI value it greatly love ❤️. Thanks for being so honest❣️

Criticism, especially constructive, is one of the best motivators for art and anything in life really. It helps show where we could improve and drives us towards being better at what we do. Praise also goes hand in hand with criticism I feel. An artist desires recognition, both being praised and critiqued are a form of that!

@lildebbiecakes is blessed to have such an amazing support system around her!

You are so dear @magiccleatus, I am humbled by such kind words. And my friend, I definitely have not almost mastered the digital art drawing, I just manage to sqeek by. I haven’t even learned to layer my drawings yet like you do. I just simply draw like I would with a colored pencil. Shading, and highlights are key. And I’m good at that. I have figured out how to copy and paste, and also the procreate app has special features. I can see by just drawing with it a lot, I’m advancing, but I have a long ways to go before I can even say, that I am good. There’s a lot to learn. Someday I might be good friend!

You are very welcome @lildebbiecakes! Okay, so almost mastered may of been reaching but you are certainly on the masters path, even I wouldn't say I am a master.

The way I layer my creations was learnt over time and only came within the last years or so. My journey of learning through digital art is much like your digital learning pattern, trying out new tools and features as you create new and wonderful pieces.

Layering, for myself, greatly improved my ability to add, remove and change aspects of my drawings much easier. If you want to see a more in depth video of how I use layers, check out my entry for the latest Pinky & Spiky contest, It took me 2 hours so the sped up footage shows a lot more of my method than the last video I shared!

You are a super talented artist, keep up the beautiful work!

@magiccleatus, your wonderful, and I will d just that friend!

Thank you! It was a pleasure to work with Deb :)

Nice job putting it all together @deemarshall


I loved doing it!! It is my pleasure :)

Thanks so much @deemarshall, you did a terrific job with putting this interview together, and your comments about me are so kind, you made me cry. I’m so blessed to know you, and I admire you very much! Bless you friend❣️

Thank you! I am so pleased you are happy :) The admiration is mutual.

@lildebbiecakes rightly said about going that extra mile if one wants to succeed anywhere. She does and the engagement is phenomenal. Her comments always make Pinky and Spiky very happy. Now I know why her digital art is so perfect - because her conventional art is so refined. How many thousands of hours does it take to learn to draw like that? To think that you are self-taught at this is simply magical.

@deemarshall: each of your interviews are so wonderful. Keep spreading the good vibe...

Thank you. I am very happy to hear that :) Would you like to be interviewed. @laputis?

Thanks Dee. That would be my pleasure. You can send the questions to Vidas' Discord.

Do you have an email I could use, please? Vidas could let me know what it is on Discord if you do.

Oh @laputis, what a beautiful friend I found in you. Look by engaging with people like yourself, what caring, and loving friendships blossoms from it. The very first time you spoke to me, as well as your loving husband, I new in my heart that I wanted to make friends with both of you, because you and your husband impressed me as a wonderful couple that worked as a lovely team to bring laughter and happiness to others lives, I greatly admire that. And I felt our philosophy on life was so alike. I fell in love with not only the two of you but truly Pinky, Spiky, and the beloved gang❣️You brighten my days even more friends with your sweet presence, bless you❣️

And your comments brighten the day of many many people...

@lildebbiecakes, it's so wonderful to get to know you and your husband @sighmanjestah too. No wonder your pharmacy business ran for decades. You're both a great example of what could be achieved with love and passion.

Thank you @deemarshall for doing the work that matters to so many people... You make Steemit a place worth coming back to. It's actually the only social media platform I engage in nowadays...

Thank you. I'm really glad you enjoy the interviews. :)

@organduo I admire you, and your wonderful wife @laputis deeply as well dear friend. The two of you work together to bring such joy and laughter to so many. I adore both of you and your amazing sense of humor. Your comic characters I have fallen in love with as well as the two of you. Laughter is so important, it helps heal the soul, and you know it. Bless you my dear friend, and may the love you both give, come back to you ten folds and more❣️

Yes, kids laugh 300 times a day on average and adults only 5 times a day on average. Who are happier on average?

We need to remember something we have forgotten since we were 6-13 years old more often.

I completely agree @organduo, have & make more clean fun with friends and family! You and your wife are very good at it ! Bless you❣️

You are an awesome artist @lildebbiescakes and I'm happy to have learn more about you through this interview ! ^_^

Your so beautiful @barbara-orenya, thank you for your kind support and comments ❣️DC3D7BE7-CA74-416B-8805-07BDB61BC240.jpeg

Pleasure, pleasure !
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@barbara-orenya, I’m not worthy of two perfect pics from you, blessings always friend❣️ABEF97F6-B243-4BA3-BF3E-8B624833813E.jpeg

oh this is so cute ! have a beautiful day Debbie ^_^

Hi.. nice interview Dee.
Thanks @deemarshall for your wonderfull interview. Through this we know and we met good artist and somehow learn from them..

Hi friend @lildebbiecakes. Nice artwork my friend. You are always awesome.👍 I do really like your works. I am a big fan of yours.. 😊

BTW. You're a beautiful woman inside and out.
And oh.! Toby is soo cute..😊
And your husband is soo supportive. Godbless both of you.

Looking forward for @pollocyber and @laputis interview..😊

I am happy you enjoyed it!

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