Steemit Art Centre Interview with the Brilliant Digital Artist @pollocyber!

in #artstorm6 years ago

Steemit Art Centre Interview with Robinsson Lara.jpg

Here is the interview with @pollocyber. It's so great to meet him and learn about his thoughts on life.


I see that you joined Steemit in December 2017. What attracted you to Steemit?


Hello, @deemarshall, first of all, I want to introduce myself briefly.

My name is Robinsson Lara. Native of Venezuela, I have studied the sciences in general and the systems engineering in the university of the east of the country.

I am from a small town called "Cumaná" with a population of 374,706 inhabitants. It is the first-born city of the American continent.

Now, answering your question, I started at Steemit on that date! It was a very good start date because it is a date in which we usually meet as a family and talk about new trends on the Internet.

I was surprised by this social network that for months had been searching the Internet for ways to give exponential value to my ideas and creations (all of them were unsuccessful or were a trap until I met STEEMIT).

My mind is like a machine that unites parts that I can observe ideas in nature and I immediately imagine how to unite all those parts to create another more complex to help other people or myself or simply as entertainment. I was attracted to my need to explain to many people all that kind of ideas that go through my mind. I always thought that I could be part of a larger problem solving using my imagination to solve world problems ... that brought me here.


Your profile on your Steemit says ‘Mundo’. Why is the world important to you?


I want to offer ideas of peace, ways to make peace, reasons of love to the world, I want to be part of that that helps to make happiness, true happiness, I want to be the ideas that help people to work as a team in favor of life, I want to be the world ...


You have a strong presence on Facebook and Steemit. I was very interested in seeing your great body art on these platforms. Do your tattoos have a special meaning for you?


Yes, before using STEEMIT I shared my ideas and moments in many Facebook groups with the same intention to help. Many people approached me to ask new ways to create forums or to develop a specific topic. I have always liked to be that answer, to be the other way to see the world.

My body art is relatively new is the product of a life teaching that says:

"Everything can change from one moment to another."

"Everything is relative, depends on time and circumstances."

"Everyone and the universe is as malleable as your ideas."

"Life is now."

"Live for what creates emotion in you for what makes you happy."

The former represents the symbol of the "UROBORO" a kind of dragon eating its own tail, represents the rebirth of you in yourself with better expectations and new opportunities to grow as a person, a new day to be.

Followed by this "OROBORO" multiple eyes representing the infinite points of view, each decision has infinite paths.

Followed by the representation in the palm of my hand of the "sun and the moon" Light and lack of Light both essential in life.

And finally and perhaps the most striking of my body art for me the most significant. Represent "Go beyond your eyes".


I also notice you have an eye-catching trademark pose with your hand over your mouth. What does this mean?


It is a way of showing in joint my final learning of life, the art of part of what I needed to learn to be more "I", the canvas of life.


I know you are a musician. I have seen your brilliant entries in ‘The Steemit Talent Contest’ and ‘Steemit Open Mic Semnna73’. Do you perform your music and sing at gigs?


If I have studied something in music, I am a vocalist and guitarist: as a guitarist I only record songs as an amateur of songs that I like, generally opera combined with rock or neoclassical metal (a variation of classical music and metal)

I like that current touch of the guitars without losing the essence of authors such as Niccolò Paganini, Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven and poetry-like music of authors in Spanish.

As a vocalist, I have participated in concerts with the symphonic choir of my city on several occasions.


I understand that you have a connection to ‘Lifecream’ where you are CEO. Can you tell us more about this, please?


Lifecream is the basis of my studies of the systems was the result of my study time combined with my imagination.

Two years ago I wanted to take this path. I never liked the classic, routine and boring work. I always wanted to work on something more dynamic. A place of work adjusted to a more flexible schedule that allows us to see a little more of life, since then creates a company for the production of ice cream combined with entertainment and knowledge and the Lifecream team was born.

Together with 2 companions, the help of my girlfriend and my family was able to found HELADOS LIFECREAM idea that today still stands. I am looking for everyone to have fun with my ideas and get more out of this.

In my city, the hot weather is a good market for the sale of ice cream and cold sweets.

These are some of the creations of the team:


In Artstorm you usually make meaningful digital art entries. Do you also have an interest in non-digital art?


So far I do not learn non-digital art. I'm more attached to computers and digital systems. My reality is easier to express them there. There are millions of brushes, textures, colors, lines and shapes that taking them to non-digital art would take me years haha. I can consider non-digital art of no interest to me.


Your art on Steemit is often spectacular. You put a lot of thought into your inspirations. Do you have a special message to share through your art?


Thank you very much @deemarshall and everyone at Artstorm actually very grateful.

Steemit for me and Artstorm are those mini daily vacations are my friends, to whom I can tell daily what I see in nature.

I like to look at the landscapes, stop for some photos, stop to try to save my mind textures, temperature, colors.

Everything like taking me that day and reliving it in the moment I want to remember. The message of my paintings is the message I get from nature. Generally linked to internal peace because to build a world of peace we have to have peace in each one of us.


Could you choose some of your illustrations to share with us?

In essences, these are the 3 paintings that until now I keep very present and they cause me quite calm when looking at nature as a whole. The 3 were made for your contest "Artstorm".

This interview with Robinsson Lara has been a great pleasure for me. Thank you so much @pollocyber!


20.000+Followers can see you.(@tenorbalonzo,@hakanlama,@cemalbaba,@asagikulak) Send 0.200 Sbd or Steem. Post link as memo for

Thank you very much @deemarshall, thank you for including my ideas in your art ideas, blessings for you on your way. regards . very thankful

Right back atcha!! Thank you for this interesting interview. I thoroughly enjoyed it :)

Thank you @deemarshall for interviewing @pollocyber. I especially enjoyed this thought:

"The message of my paintings is the message I get from nature. Generally linked to internal peace because to build a world of peace we have to have peace in each one of us."

It is my pleasure! Thank you for the upvote!

@pollocyber kind of art caught my attention and made me a bit intrigued as to who is the artist behind these mysterious and beautiful artstorm entries. I am glad to read more about the person on this blog.

I am happy you enjoyed the interview.

What a great interview @deemarshall, and what a great guy you are @pollocyber❣️

I am so happy that you enjoyed it! Thank you for the upvote :)

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