On Supporting The Arts: Hitting That Ruthless Brick Wall

in #arts7 years ago

We creatives know the struggle; the insurmountable obstacle that makes every effort to sabotage the work of artists, musicians, writers, filmmakers, video game designers, and anyone else creative who is worth their salt. That struggle is the lack of support for the arts. Whether it is financial, mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual support, the struggle is very much real and completely baffling to those who have to face it.

What I want to know is, why does this have to be the case? Creatives are given an awe-inspiring gift to bring beautiful things into existence, many times from nothing but their own imaginations. This is the epitome of a godly gift! The talent involved is a force to be reckoned with. The skill set involved is well worth taking notice. However, people seem to either be outright lazy in their support, or are hellbent on destroying the efforts of creatives everywhere (reasons can be of sheer jealousy or of simply wanting to be evil). But why?

There is no valid reason for such atrocious and inexcusable behavior. There simply isn't.

Art and design are everywhere just as much as science, math, and the other universal languages. For those of us living in first world nations, not only do we have the beauty of nature as an example, but we also have various man-made products and structures showcasing just how pervasive art and design truly are. We literally have art and design in EVERYTHING, from the tiniest forms of matter to the entirety of our universe. Yet art and design are so incredibly disrespected. This makes no sense!

The way the world treats the arts is completely disrespectful. How many people have been told at different points in their lives that art should only be a hobby, that they'll never make it in such-and-such a field, and that being an artist or a writer or anything creative is "not a REAL job"? I've been told a lot of that myself as an artist, and experience that even now as an adult!

Again, I ask...why? Is it jealousy? Is it considered rising above the ranks of what this worthless and broken world system wants? Does the world system want us to stay enslaved to boring work, and make us too tired to even have the arts as a hobby? It's not even a priority in most schools (which is a detriment to students' learning)! I have seen people veto bringing arts into colleges because it would be considered "spending money in the wrong place", while all the while throwing thousands if not millions of dollars into the college sports teams! The sports teams most definitely do not need the money! Sports make for a slave-like mindset where everyone is blind to what is going on (all they want to focus on is the sport that is being played); the arts wake people up to the status of the world around them. Perhaps that is the reason why the arts get virtually no support.

I ask everyone here to take a look in the mirror and at the world around them just for a bit. Start to see what I'm seeing here; there is a big problem with the world that requires resolution ASAP. It also requires everyone doing their part. The arts are being shoved to the side in favor of less creative endeavors all for the sake of money and keeping people in a slave-like state. Support the arts, folks. Recognize that the arts and the creatives who make them deserve respect for their hard work, for they help to make the world a more welcoming and beautiful place.

Want to support the arts but don't know where to start? Start by checking out this IndieGoGo page (link down below). This project is aiming to bring all of what was just discussed to light, and needs your support to get it out on the big screen. Thank you.


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