[Notice] Be our Coordinator/Discord 코디네이터 모집/디스코드 서버 오픈

in #artisteem6 years ago (edited)


[Notice] Be our Coordinator | Discord server open

Hello Artisteemians! We hope you're enjoying Friday and the second day of November. Recently, we have opened a Discord server and received a lot of feedback, thanks to artisteemians.

Artisteem aims at a healthy platform where creative content of talents are featured right and respected fairly. However, lately there has been many abuses such as plagiarizing other's works and farming many accounts, which is far from our intention. So to keep going in the original direction of our community, we introduce a new community role: Coordinator.(similar to moderator) We ask of our users to actively participate and collaborate.

Please read below for information on the new role.

Roles & Responsibilities

  1. Review all posts carefully for abuses and content that does not meet our guidelines and reports to discord server
  2. Moderates with abusers and other questions on Discord; provide evidence(source image and links) and deal with users
  3. Positive comments & guideline-related comments on http://artisteem.com/
  4. Actively posts artworks on http://artisteem.com/ (optional)

Application requirements

  1. Your Artisteem profile link
  2. Your nationality & city you currently live in & Business English required--please tell us which languages you can speak.
  3. Experience in other communities (including duration, R&R)

Fixed # of members

  • 10 members


  • Artisteem coordinators will receive
    1. 10% of total votings on their moderation comments by our voting bot
    2. corresponding TOPAZ tokens(planned). (TOPAZ will be detailed later on in a notice)

Fellow artisteemians, let's keep working together to improve our environment. We'll have up to 10 coordinators from different regions of the world(can differ depending on the region), so please join our Discord server and apply!
link: https://discord.gg/bycktuE

[공지] 코디네이터 모집/디스코드 서버오픈

아티스티미언 여러분 안녕하세요! 금요일 그리고 11월의 2번째날 잘 보내시고 계신가요?
최근 아티스팀에서는 디스코드 서버를 오픈했는데요. 여러 유저들이 셋업 등 활발한 피드백을 주고 계십니다.

아티스팀은 재능인들의 창작콘텐츠가 제대로 발산, 공정하게 인정받는 건강한 플랫폼을 지향합니다.
그러나 최근 일부 작품도용이나 다계정 운영을 통한 파밍 등 어뷰징으로 인해 본래의 취지를 흐리는 사례들이 목격되고 있습니다. 이에 커뮤니티 본래 취지와 목적달성을 위해 새로운 커뮤니티 역할을 담당할
코디네이터를 소개합니다(모더레이터와 유사). 여러분의 적극적인 참여와 협력을 요청드립니다.

하단 내용을 참고하시기 바랍니다.

역할과 책임

  1. 올라오는 모든 포스팅을 검토해 어뷰징이나 가이드에 맞지 않는 내용을 디스코드 서버에 리포트한다
  2. 디스코드에서 어뷰저, 타 질문 중재; 이미지, 링크 등 어뷰징 단서 제공하며 유저들과 소통
  3. http://artisteem.com/ 상에서 긍정적이고 가이드라인 관련된 코멘트 달기
  4. http://artisteem.com/ 에 활발한 작품활동 (선택)


  1. Artisteem 프로필 링크
  2. 국적, 현재 거주지역, 비지니스 영어, 추가로 가능한 언어
  3. 타 커뮤니티에서의 활동경력(기간, 역할과 책임)


  • 10 명


  • 아티스팀 코디네이터는 활동에 따라 다음의 보상이 주어집니다:
    1. 중재 코멘트에 자사 보팅봇이 전체 보팅의 10%
    2. 그에 상응하는 TOPAZ 토큰 부여예정. (TOPAZ 토큰은 추후 공지를 통해 발표 예정입니다.)

더 나은 환경을 위해 아티스티미언들의 많은 협력 부탁드립니다.
세계 각 지역권을 합해 정원 10 명(지역에 따라 다를 수 있음)을 유지 할 계획이오니
디스코드 서버에 참여하시고 신청해 주시기 바랍니다!

link: https://discord.gg/bycktuE


현재 코디네이터 지원자가 11명인데 [KR]한국인 지원자가 한분도 없으시네요. KR 커뮤니티에 혹시 영어가 가능하신 지원자분 없으실까요?

@artisteem Team, Great to know about this Coordinator Role. And hope that effective people will going to come forward and will going to play an effective role. And yes, it's really vital aspect to follow the rules because in that way we can make the ARTISTEEM Economy more amazing and more Engagement Oriented. Wishing you an great day and stay blessed team. 🙂

I like all these rules ... @artisteem with the contest rules getting more advanced ... and getting better quality.

hello @artisteem I asked whether each post must post a post link on the #discord or not.

please explain. thanks.

Sorry but we do not understand about the "post link". We also couldn't find anything on discord. Please explain clearly. Thanks

Hello @nongvo.piy answering your question, it is not necessary to send the link of your post by the Discord.

I strongly recommend that everyone who care about good quality content getting the right amount of rewards gets involved. :)

We have already made our request to be part of the coordinator/discord of @Artisteem. We are very happy about the direction the project is taking and we hope to be able to support them in their growth.🌸

We already made our request very excited to be able to participate in this wonderful team, greetings and success to all.

Before you make any accusations and then taking them back. Try to be a bit more prudent about the manner you post. Everything is recorded in the blockchain.


There is no way to hide the editing on done on previous posts.

I know everything is recorded.

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