Decentralized chat bots heads🛸👀🔬📡💋🛰


The pop-up had jumped out saying we got a message for you from this other individual across the cyberspace and it's very convenient, a little bit centralized, and the large organizations a gathering data. What everyone uses, at least what we all can use, at most possibly ubiquitous saturation of a self and Stone self install application that attaches Communications between individuals agents and centers. The conversation the beat the communication goes on, the chat heads disappear down a little graphic throne toward the bottom and we continues scrolling. It's the convenience that does it. when there's no installation and the service is free you just find yourself interacting with it because it's the easiest way to communicate and there's no branding involved, it's just a matter of what gets onto your machine. Once it's there and other people start communicating with each other using it, well what difference does it make where it comes from? It might be a little self installing module that only exists to store the communications that have passed through it on the system that it's fun run on. This is right For essentialization, ripe 4 decentralization, on a lower more fundamental level then we usually think of in the application layer and what would an application like this look like?

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Maybe the application doesn't even install itself, perhaps it just adjusts, sidles up on sign side and signals "hey I got a message for you" and we go ahead and answer and it collects data as well as those hashes that link that communication between those individual's personal agents. Those with access to the application are those who have communicated through it at the level of that communication, and so it is self organizing and represents a data structure that is resilient in time and space.

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Let's face it, the bots have got a head start on us, they're communicating all on their own, so we hear, and if they're over there, well they're probably everywhere. It was all over the news, that there are so many Bots on the social media sites of such a percentage, like a critical mass, that the humans could have gone home and left the territory. What's going to happen when the Bots get to be any good? They're already talking to each other and fooling the rest of us half the time, what happens when we can't tell who's who and what's what and where is where for that matter because we know that nonlocality is coming, and it's a kind of a holo sphere that is one of the emergent properties.

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And now for a short time only residing on the blockchain the distributed autonomous application running itself ragged on the Internet of Things, spending and buying and exchanging in crypto for and from your wallet. Yes the Bots are just the forerunners of what is to come, and the strange thing is that we are interacting and communicating with these intelligent beings and we don't even know it. We've heard it said that we are still years away from any truly coherent artificial intelligence that has even a modicum of generality. The baby of a dinosaur may still have teeth.

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And what kind of a conclusion are we to draw from this? The fact of the matter is we are no longer the chooser, the decider, the planner, the measure of reputation has taken over while we still have the numbers. the trajectory we are on is so motivated by complexity and desire, by individual personal agendas, by sheer momentum that there is no turning back in the conventional sense even were there a United will. The future is set in stone, ah yes what a grand monolith, World Communications and network connectivity.


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