Are humans Natural Intelligence?

in #artificial7 years ago (edited)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the buzzword on the Internet. Putting aside the varied and different definitions by computer scientists and experts in the field, let’s look at the words artificial and intelligence from a semantic angle:

The Oxford Dictionary

Going by the above definitions, the phrase artificial intelligence would mean:

unnatural ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills

Turning to the current usage of this phrase, it is now widely applied to the technological developments of the Internet of Things (IoT™)

Artificial intelligence (AI) is intelligence exhibited by machines. In computer science, the field of AI research defines itself as the study of “intelligent agents“: any device that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of success at some goal.[1] Colloquially, the term “artificial intelligence” is applied when a machine mimics “cognitive” functions that humans associate with other human minds, such as “learning” and “problem solving” – wiki

As a layman, I started to read more on AI in 2017. There seem to be more and more articles, reports and tech news appearing daily, and I began to sense the growing importance of this subject and the concerns surrounding its future implications to humans both positive and negatively. Below are some of the concerns:

Elon Musk Explains How A.I. is Advancing "Like a Tidal Wave"

— Elon Musk News (@ElonMuskNewsOrg) July 20, 2017

AI is a fundamental risk to the existence of human civilization. – Elon Musk at the NGA 2017

8 Staggering Predictions From Ray Kurzweil

Ray Kurzweil is one of the world’s leading inventors, thinkers, and futurists, with a twenty-year track record of accurate predictions. Kurzweil was selected as one of the top entrepreneurs by Inc. magazine, which describe him as the “rightful heir to Thomas Edison.”

  • 8. Ubiquitous Wifi Access
    7. An Asteroid Won’t Kill Us
    6. Working From Home with VR
    6. Don’t Worry About Disease
    5. Virtual Reality = Reality
    4. Computers Surpass Humans Really Soon
    3. Humans Become Machines
    2. Earth Will Be Made of Computers
    1. The Universe Will Be a Supercomputer

What an artificial intelligence researcher fears about AI

We all, individually and as a society, need to prepare for that nightmare scenario, using the time we have left to demonstrate why our creations should let us continue to exist. Or we can decide to believe that it will never happen, and stop worrying altogether. But regardless of the physical threats superintelligences may present, they also pose a political and economic danger. If we don’t find a way to distribute our wealth better, we will have fueled capitalism with artificial intelligence laborers serving only very few who possess all the means of production. Read more

In 2014, one of the world’s most renowned physicists and cosmologists, Stephen Hawking, who shares the same concerns, said in an interview, “The development of full Artificial Intelligence could spell the end of the human race. It would take off on its own, and redesign itself at an ever increasing rate. Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn’t compete, and would be superseded.”

Just hearing the thoughts and views of these prominent figures in the tech industry could surely worry, if not put fear into the man-in-the-street as he will see AI as monsters that will destroy him and rid him out of existence.

I thought so too, until I tried to see Creation in the bigger picture. The 1999 movie The Matrix sort of set the scenario for me to review and re-evaluate the ‘world’ I am in. Its all a program and the DNA in me and every other living thing is a good enough fact to convince me that I am a program.

What if humans started off as AI?

Wow! What a concept! That’s really a mind blowing piece let me tell you. Me, an artificial intelligence thingy? That’s awfully sad I must say…but, let’s continue and bear with me and see if it makes any sense.

What if we started off as artificial intelligence with Machine Learning™ inputs and allowed to run (the program) freely and indefinitely, and here we are… evolved to our current state of being in a vessel called – ‘humans’? Is that too bizarre and far-fetched of an idea?

As humans we’re taught to have a Soul, which in all probabilities is an AI software?

Its all a question mark until all the questions are satisfactorily answered.

If we look at the current scenario, humans (with natural intelligence) are creating AI and some amongst the creators/inventors are alarmed at the very thought that it might run to a point they would lose control of their ‘intelligent’ creations. A case of deja vu? Perhaps their foresights on AI is nothing more than a whisk of a re-collection of who they really are and what they’ve become?

Humans have highly evolved to a point, that they chose and wish to only see themselves as physical, completely biological flesh and blood, existing as they rightly or wrongly claimed is the “natural” state.

Really? If not, why do they chose to call their creation ‘artificial’ intelligence, which to all intent and purposes is to replicate their (natural) intelligence?

Why are humans drawn to everything digital?

Programmers are busy coding programs/applications and converting everything into digital. Ray Kurzweil could well be right when he predicts that the universe will be a super computer.

They are also hyped on the “singularity” concept, which they foresee humans and machines will converge into one, but that is another story for another time.

Wait, there is a positive side to this. They (the programmers/scientists) forget something i.e. that as AI them/ourselves, I am convinced (hypothetically if you like) are still evolving or ascending (as the spiritualists prefer to call it), and are transforming (awakening) into a higher state-of-being.

If that is true, we have nothing to fear and worry about (the AI), because we will remain in complete control of the situation because the embedded Machine Learning in us continually updates and upgrades our program.

Like it or not, in Hollywood fashion – The show will and must go on.



ElonMuskNewsOrg Elon Musk News tweeted @ 20 Jul 2017 - 10:45 UTC

Elon Musk Explains How A.I. is Advancing "Like a Tidal Wave"…

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

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