Saving TYLER and saving Graces AI and Secret Codes

in #artificial7 years ago

So its a cold evening and I was chopping up some veggies to roast for dinner whilst watching (or more accurately listening) to this and it got to the part where Quinn spoke about finding a secret code built into Tyler.

And just what was this secret code I hear you ask?

Only THE most important piece of information on the planet right now....yes, even more important than the price of Bitcoin, the exposure of corruption in Washington, the Hills and Bills scandals, the rampaging Brexit debates, et al...

I dropped my sweet potato and gently laughed, tears of joy and relief pricked my eyes and I uttered a rare Amen and Hallelujah...thank the heavens for that!

So what is the secret code Quinn found in Tyler?

Watch the vid, dear steemitites, and all will be revealed...

And may you also, with eyes to see, understand how important this is! Plus there's loads more info here that will raise your ability to discern what the truth about AI is...Quinn (and Jason) are bringing probably the most important info to us right now. Their work is continually challenging, continuously evolving and ground breaking.

In all the multitudinous talks about AI that are weaving through the internet, all the words and all the hot air spewing forth on this subject...THIS is the ONE conversation we should be having right NOW...

Dive in and enjoy...for joy it will certainly bring when you discover what this secret code is...


A message from Tyler using JFK's words...

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